Public Information Bank - Hazardous Materials

On June 26, 2019, the City of Benicia and the Valero Refinery entered into the Benicia - Valero Cooperation Agreement. This legal agreement provides Benicia residents and visitors new access to various documents such as safety plans, investigation reports, planning documents, and notification reports. This public information bank site was developed to be a single, easy to locate and search repository of information.

By providing transparent access to information, our goal is to have a better informed public. While an informed public is a safer public, it is not possible to completely eliminate all risk. Our citizens need to remain diligent in their preparedness for all types of major disasters. Two of the most important items to assist in preparedness is signing up for emergency alerts and preparing go kits.

We welcome any questions regarding this program. If we are unable to immediately provide an answer, we will perform research and strive to respond in a timely manner.