Message from the Director

The Benicia Public Library, along with other City facilities, closed as of March 17, 2020 to comply with the State’s shelter-at-home orders in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Since then, we have been working to fulfill our mission of delivering information and resources to the community in new ways, and by bolstering our already-strong suite of online and virtual services, including downloadable books and audiobooks, Reference service via chat or email, virtual storytimes, and zoom meetings of our book clubs.

Beginning June 1, we will begin offering curbside pickup of library materials by appointment, five days a week. Please call the main library number beginning on Monday to request materials and to set up an appointment. For the time being, our building will remain closed to the public, as we await the necessary guidelines and permission to re-open safely. As you can imagine, this is a very complicated situation—much different from, say, a bookstore, which does not function as a circulating collection of materials.

We will be launching a survey beginning on Friday, May 29, to ask the community of Benicia to help us prioritize our future efforts in providing excellent library service. The survey will be linked form our homepage at, and will also be featured on our Facebook page, and via other efforts, so that we can get the broadest possible input.

The Benicia Library Foundation has generously given the Library a special $50,000 grant in order to jumpstart our efforts in what we are calling our “Digital Shift.”  We are very grateful to this support group, which, along with our Friends of the Benicia Library, provides ongoing support for the Library.

Thank you all for your patience during this time. We hope to see you all at our front door for curbside pickup, and eventually returning for something close to “normal” library service.

David Dodd

Director of Library and Cultural Services

May 28, 2020



The Benicia Public Library serves a community with a uniquely rich history and character. Benicia exudes small-town charm, with its ideal San Francisco Bay waterfront location and high quality of life. To meet the needs of our residents, the Library is committed to providing services and making them available when people can use them. Our Library is open seven days a week, and includes an art gallery with rotating exhibits, a Literacy Program, and a Friends of the Library group as well as diverse volunteer opportunities.

 In addition to our beautiful building, which opened June 19, 1993, we provide a wide range of materials in all formats—books, movies, music, audiobooks, and a wide range of electronic books and research resources. We are also fortunate to have additional money from Measure L, a 1/8-cent sales tax approved by 2/3 of Solano County citizens (as Measure B) in 1998, and renewed in 2012, adding annually to the Library’s budget to expand hours, programs, and materials. Patrons can access the Library catalog and their own account information 24 hours a day.

Our staff, however, is our greatest asset. Their commitment to public service excellence is at the core of our service to the community and its visitors. Whether you are a Benicia native or a new resident, whether you are a visitor staying in one of our lovely hotels or visiting family or friends, please accept my invitation to visit our Library. You will find excellent service and be greeted by people dedicated to making your experience a positive one.