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Volunteer Opportunities


Get Involved 

Teen Library Council
The Santa Clara City Library's Teen Library Council was created in 1998 to help the Library better serve teens. Anyone who lives in Santa Clara County and is in grades 7-12 is eligible for TLC. TLC is active in planning and participating in TeenRead summer and year-round programs, volunteering for special events, writing reviews, and much, much more! If you would like to write a review, get more information on TLC, or be on the list for teen library events contact Nan Choi at (408) 615-2920 or

Summer Volunteering
Summer (June—mid July) volunteering
is available for teens in grades 9-12. An interview will be included in the selection process. Applicants must be able to commit to a minimum of 20 hours over the summer. Limited positions available. Those interested should contact Nan Choi at (408) 615-2920 or by May 31.

Community Service for School
Short-term volunteer projects (up to 6 hours) are available for those who need to fulfill community service requirements for high school only. Please contact Nan Choi at (408) 615-2920 or for more information.

Outside Volunteer Agencies
Bay Area Volunteer Information Center
Provides information about volunteer opportunities in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Hands On Bay Area
Offers many exciting and rewarding volunteer opportunities throughout the year

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