


SUMIT Seed Grant 2017, The Risk Authority Stanford

In-Situ Inter-Professional Education in the Operating Room for Teamwork and Communication, James Lau MD, MHPE


Stanford School of Medicine 2016, Revenue Sharing Innovation Grant

Surgical Immersion Curriculum for Pre-Clerkship Medical Students

Brittany Hasty MD, Sarah Miller MS, James Lau MD, MHPE


Stanford School of Medicine 2016, Revenue Sharing Innovation Grant

Student Support Program for Medical Students, James Lau MD, MHPE


ASE/APDS Grant 2016

Bridging the gap between simulation center and patient bedside: a point of care video-based curriculum for common, low-risk bedside procedures, Edward Shipper MD, Laura Mazer MD, Sylvia Bereknyei Merrell DrPH, Dana Lin MD, James Lau MD MHPE

Stanford University 2016, Stanford Teaching and Mentoring Academy

Why do residents leave? A multi-institutional study investigating the impact of culture on attrition from surgical residency, James Lau MD, Laura Mazer MD, Sylvia Bereknyei Merrell DrPH


Stanford University 2016, Stanford Teaching and Mentoring Academy

The Impact of an Evidence-Based Emotional Intelligence Curriculum for Physicians on Physician EI and Well-being, Dana Lin MD, Cara Liebert MD, Micaela Esquivel MD, Sylvia Bereknyei Merrell DrPH, James Lau MD, Claudia Mueller MD


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