Biodesign for Mobile Health


Health care is facing significant cross-industry challenges and opportunities created by a number of factors, including the increasing need for improved access to affordable, high-quality care; growing demand from consumers for greater control of their health and health data; the shift in focus from “sick care” to prevention and health optimization; aging demographics and the increased burden of chronic conditions; and new emphasis on real-world, measurable health outcomes for individuals and populations. Moreover, the delivery of health information and services is no longer tied to traditional “brick and mortar” hospitals and clinics: it has increasingly become "mobile," enabled by apps, sensors, wearables, and other mobile devices, as well as by the data that these technologies generate. This multifactorial transformation presents opportunities for innovation across the entire cycle of care, from wellness, to acute and chronic diseases, to care at the end of life. But how does one approach innovation in mobile health to address these health care challenges while ensuring the greatest chance of success?

Biodesign for Mobile HealthThank you to all the health technology experts who helped make this year’s offering of the course such a great success.

At Stanford Biodesign, we believe that innovation is a process that can be learned, practiced, and perfected; and, it starts with a need. In Biodesign for Mobile Health, students will learn about mobile health and the needs-driven bioedsign innovation process from more than 50 industry experts. Over the course of ten weeks, these speakers join the teaching team in a dynamic classroom environment that includes lectures, panel discussions, and breakout sessions. These experts represent start-ups, corporations, venture capital firms, accelerators, research labs, health organizations, and more.

Student teams will take real mobile health challenges and learn how to apply Biodesign's innovation principles to research and evaluate needs, ideate solutions, and objectively assess them against key criteria for satisfying the needs. Teams take a hands-on approach with the support of need coaches and mentors. The Friday sections will be used for team projects and for scheduled workshops. 

On the final day of class, teams present to a panel of mobile health experts. The best-in-class team will receive an award and the opportunity to continue its project via the “Biodesign NEXT" extension funding program. Learn more about Biodesign NEXT and read about the winning teams from past years.

Enrollment in the course is limited, and by application only. Additional information is provided in the course syllabus and guest speaker line-up, or check out the course flier.

Course title
Biodesign for Mobile Health
Course number(s) Quarter(s)
BIOE 273
MED 273
Schedule Units
3:30-6:20 pm

12:30-1:30 pm
Eligible students
Enrollment information
By application only (see Course Details and Deadlines for more information)
Learning goals
  • Be able to ask informed questions and apply critical thinking to understand the evolving mobile health industry
  • Be able to recognize, describe and apply the needs-driven Biodesign approach to the creation of innovative solutions in mobile health
  • Have developed or refined the "soft skills" required to work in teams and with the support of external advisors and mentors towards achieving and presenting mobile health project outcomes