Fellowship Outcomes

Learn more about how Stanford Biodesign fellowship alumni are making a meaningful difference in healthcare, and how Stanford Biodesign’s circle of impact is expanding across the health technology innovation ecosystem.


Stanford Biodesign Fellowship alumni alone have founded 32 health technology companies* from their fellowship projects

  • Medical Cross Icon797,131 patients helped
  • Dollars Icon$453 million in funding raised
  • People Icon614 full-time employees
  • Progress Circle Icon71% are active 23% have been acquired or achieved another exit

These alumni have launched 35 additional health technology companies* beyond the fellowship

  • Medical Cross Icon1 million + patients helped
  • Dollars Icon$260 million in funding raised
  • People Icon287 full-time employees
  • Progress Circle Icon86% still active 12% have been acquired

* Companies have raised at least $250,000 in grant and/or professional funding and have licensed their IP from Stanford (if applicable).

84 percent of Biodesign Fellowship alumni have trained or coached others on the biodesign innovation process

Training & Education

84 percent of Biodesign Fellowship alumni have trained or coached others on the biodesign innovation process, with an average of 71 trainees per trainer and a total of 9,463 training experiences.

Company Advising

  • 2 out of 3Biodesign Fellowship alumni have helped or advised other medtech companies, many above and beyond their primary job.

Patents and Licenses

  • Lightbulb Icon2 out of 3 Biodesign Fellowship alumni are named as inventors on issued medtech patents.
  • Document Icon8.4 citations per inventorThese 105 alumni are named on issued patents a total of 878 times, for an average of 8.4 citations per inventor.


  • Pencil and Paper Icon> 1 in 3 Biodesign Fellowship alumni have authored peer-reviewed publications related to medtech innovation.
  • Paper Icon6.7 listings per authorThese alumni are named as authors on peer-reviewed articles a total of 384 times, for an average of 6.7 listings per author (see Innovation Research for a sample of these articles).


Leadership Statistics Chart

Source: All statistics from the 2016 Stanford Biodesign Alumni Survey or our internal company tracking initiative.