Neuromuscular Disorders

Accurate diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular conditions is often complex, and may require a variety of interdisciplinary specialists working together. At Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, our internationally recognized team of experts serves infants to young adults living with close to 50 different neuromuscular conditions.

Our mission is to apply groundbreaking research and personalized care to diagnose and treat patients with even the most challenging conditions, and to deliver superior outcomes through multi-disciplinary care. Your child’s team is comprised of neurologists, a physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech and language pathologist, social worker, nurse practitioner, genetic counselor, and community outreach liaison.

We also coordinate care with other specialties as required. These may include Cardiology, Pulmonology, Orthopedics, Endocrinology, and Gastroenterology/Nutrition. Working together, we provide innovative, comprehensive and compassionate care in a supportive environment to ensure that children experience life to their fullest potential.

Your child’s care team pairs leading-edge research with specialized, comprehensive family-centered care, treating not only a child’s symptoms but addressing the needs of the family as well. We respect each family’s unique needs and preferences and include you as members of your child’s care team. We believe this partnership is critical to exceptional care and the best possible outcomes.

Family Clinic

Many of the conditions we treat are inherited and affect whole families. Our monthly Family Clinic allows multiple generations to receive care by our team of specialists at one appointment.
The goal of the Family Clinic is to reduce expensive, exhaustive travel by allowing affected family members to be seen together as a family as well as individually, addressing everyone’s needs.

The Family Clinic is located at:
Stanford Neuroscience Health Center, 213 Quarry Road, 1st Floor, Palo Alto, CA 94304
To make an appointment call: 650-725-5792 x2.