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Refer a Patient


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About Referring a Patient

Doctors throughout the community and from around the world trust us with their patients for pediatric and obstetric expertise and extraordinary care.

Stanford Children’s Health partners with referring physicians to ensure the best possible care for patients who need specialized health services.

For patient referrals, contact our Referral Center: (800) 995-5724.

For inpatient consultations and transfers, contact our Transfer Center: (650) 723-7342.

For direct admission requests, contact our Patient Placement Department: (650) 725-8877.

For International Referrals, please call (650) 723-8561 or email us at

Download Labor & Delivery Pre-Registration information for your patients in English or Download Labor & Delivery Pre-Registration information in Spanish.

We look forward to working with you to help achieve healthy outcomes for your patients and their families.

Not finding what you’re looking for? Our Physician Relations Team is standing by to help.