Surgical Pathology Criteria

Myxoid Liposarcoma

Differential Diagnosis

Myxoid Liposarcoma Lipoblastoma / Lipoblastomatosis
Maturation if present, occurs towards periphery Maturation if present, occurs towards center of lobules
Rare <20, very rare <10 Very rare >20, rare >10
May have hypercellular areas Uniformly hypocellular
Virtually always deep May be superficial or deep
t(12;16) or t(12;22) Abnormalities involving 8q(11-13)

Myxoid Liposarcoma Spindle Cell Lipoma with Myxoid Stroma
Infrequent prominent spindle cell component Prominent spindle cell component
Prominent "chicken wire" vascular pattern Lacks "chicken wire" vascular pattern
No dense collagen bundles Dense collagen bundles
Very rare in subcutis or dermis Usually in subcutis or dermis
CD34 negative or scattered small cells CD34 widely positive
t(12;16) or t(12;22) Frequent abnormalities of chromosomes 13 or 16

Myxoid Liposarcoma Atypical Lipomatous Tumor
No large atypical nuclei Large atypical nuclei present
Prominent "chicken wire" vascular pattern Lacks "chicken wire" vascular pattern
Rare as a primary lesion in retroperitoneum Frequently occurs in retroperitoneum
MDM2 and CDK4 4% by immunohistology but 1/5 MDM2 by FISH MDM2 and CDK4 most positive

Myxoid Liposarcoma Chondroid Lipoma
No chondroid matrix Chondroid matrix
Prominent "chicken wire" vascular pattern Lacks "chicken wire" vascular pattern
Cells more uniform Cells frequently variable in size

Myxoid Liposarcoma Myxolipoma / Angiomyxolipoma
Prominent "chicken wire" vascular pattern Lacks "chicken wire" vascular pattern
May have lipoblasts Lacks lipoblasts
Very rare in subcutis or dermis Usually in subcutis or dermis
CD34 negative or scattered small cells CD34 widely positive in myxoid areas
t(12;16) or t(12;22) t(7;13) or t(8;12) reported

Myxoid Liposarcoma Hibernoma with Myxoid Stroma
Rarely superficial Frequently superficial
Prominent "chicken wire" vascular pattern Lacks "chicken wire" vascular pattern
t(12;16) or t(12;22) 11q13 rearrangement

Myxoid Liposarcoma Aggressive Angiomyxoma
Arborizing vessels Large, disorganized vessels
Signet ring lipoblasts Lacks lipoblasts

Myxoid Liposarcoma Intramuscular Myxoma
Arborizing vascular pattern Hypovascular
Lipoblasts present, usually signet ring type No lipoblasts
More cellular Extremely paucicellular

Myxoid Liposarcoma Juxta-articular Myxoma
Lipoblasts present, usually signet ring type No lipoblasts
Arborizing vascular pattern Hypovascular

Myxoid Liposarcoma Myxofibrosarcoma
Lipoblasts frequent No lipoblasts
Vacuoles in lipoblasts are clear Vacuoles, if present, contain material similar to adjacent myxoid stroma
Lacks pleomorphic cells At least focally pleomorphic
Rare in subcutis Frequent in subcutis
t(12;16) or t(12;22) No consistent abnormalities

Myxoid Liposarcoma Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma
Lipoblasts frequent No lipoblasts
Arborizing vasculature pattern Lacks arborizing pattern
Cords of cells unusual Usually clusters and cords of cells
t(12;16) or t(12;22) t(9;22) or t(9;17)

Pure Cellular Myxoid Liposarcoma Small Round Blue Cell Tumors (Various)
Lipoblasts frequent No lipoblasts
Lacks significant pleomorphism May be pleomorphic
No immunologic evidence of differentiation Specific markers may be positive
t(12;16) or t(12;22) Specific translocations may be present

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