Drought Update

WaterMeterRedux_Med2016In response to the unprecedented drought conditions that continue to plague California and the emergency regulations adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board, the City of Santa Clara has implemented Plan 2 of the Water Shortage Contingency Plan with a goal of reducing city-wide potable water demand by 20%. Additional restrictions to help the City reach this water demand reduction goal and comply with State regulations are also in effect.  

This information is also available as a printable drought update flyer to help spread the word.

The following water use restrictions are currently in effect:

Outdoor Irrigation:

  • Outdoor irrigation is limited to 3 days per week using the following schedule:
    • Odd addresses water on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday
    • Even addresses water on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday
    • Properties with no numerical street address water on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday
  • No irrigation between the hours of 9 AM and 6 PM
  • No irrigation during or 48 hours after measurable precipitation
  • No irrigation of ornamental turf for public street medians with potable water
  • No irrigation of landscapes outside of newly constructed buildings in a manner inconsistent with regulations, or other requirements established in the California Building Commission
  • All guests provided the option of not having towels and linens laundered daily.
Prohibited Uses:
  • Wasting water, which includes but is not limited to, the flooding or runoff on City sidewalks, gutters, and streets
  • Cleaning of sidewalks, driveways, patios, parking lots, or other paved or hard-surfaced areas, or washing cars, buses, boats, trailers, or any vehicle by use of a hose unless that hose is fitted with an operating automatic shut-off valve
  • Water waste due to broken or defective plumbing, fire system, irrigation system, or any water accessory connected or to open or to leave open any stopcock or faucet causing waste
  • Service of water from any restaurant unless requested by a patron
  • Installation of a single-pass cooling system
  • Installation of a non-recirculating, decorative fountain
  • Construction of a non-recirculating conveyor car wash
To meet the 20% reduction goal the City of Santa Clara also recommends the following actions:
  • The use of potable water in decorative water features should cease, except as needed to maintain aquatic life

To report water waste, please complete a Water Waste report.

To help conserve water you can visit the Conservation page, save20gallons.org, and saveourwater.com for water saving tips. Sign up for a free Water Wise House Call from the Santa Clara Valley Water District. Qualify and apply for Rebates on water saving fixtures and appliances.

To receive automatic e-mail updates on drought conditions and water conservation in the City, please sign up for e-Notify.

Thank you for your efforts to conserve water and use water wisely. 

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