Focused Growth | Fund + Invest | Our Work

Focused Growth

MTC encourages new housing and job sites in areas already supported by infrastructure like streets, utilities and transit service. This also includes amenities such as schools, medical facilities and shops.

Focused growth is a cornerstone of Plan Bay Area, the region's long-range plan that charts a course for transportation investment and land-use priorities through the year 2040.

Total Investments* by Function – $292 Billion (YOE $)

Plan Bay Area Total Investments* through 2040 by Function – $292 Billion (YOE $)

As the above figure shows, MTC plans to direct the lion’s share of future funding to repairing, maintaining and operating our existing roadway and transit systems.

This commitment encourages cities and counties to build housing and increase jobs with a focused growth approach (see OBAG in this section for more.)

MTC’s support for focused growth is shaped by four main goals:

  • Create a network of complete communities
  • Create jobs to maintain and expand a strong regional economy
  • Increase the accessibility, affordability and diversity of housing
  • Protect the Bay Area’s unique natural environment

MTC’s focused growth approach links future land use and long-term transportation investment as a way to help our region meet greenhouse gas reduction targets set by state law.

We forecast San Francisco to lead the region in job creation through 2040, followed by San Jose and Oakland. 

These same three cities also top the regional forecast for housing unit growth through 2040, with San Jose occupying the top spot, San Francisco number two and Oakland number three.

Check out Vital Signs to learn more about changing trends in Bay Area housing growth.

Also look for the latest population and jobs data. See how your county measures up!