Get Involved | Public Participation | About MTC

Get Involved

Join us in helping build a better Bay Area transportation network.

Follow Us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube - Learn about current topics and current chatter when you follow us on Social Media. Icons are located at the bottom of every page.

Send Us an Email - We play close attention to the views of the public. We use your feedback to inform our decisions. Email us at

Sign Up for Our Newsletter - Stay informed by signing up to receive periodic emails concerning major MTC initiatives.

Join Our Mailing List - If you would like to receive info from MTC via mail and email, please email us at to add your contact information to our list.

Attend a Meeting - We invite you to express your views at MTC’s regular monthly Commission and Standing Committee meetings.

Public Meetings, Workshops and Forums - Keep informed about public meetings, workshops, community forums, conferences and other events.

Join Our Policy Advisory Council - Become a member of this council — and help in our decision making process.