Previous Federal Funds | Fund + Invest | Our Work

Previous Federal Funds

Every few years, MTC develops policies to guide how federal transportation funds will be distributed throughout the Bay Area.

Cycle 1 Funds

Prior to the One Bay Area Grant Program (OBAG), MTC distributed federal funds to according to a policy referred to as Cycle 1.  Cycle 1 included $677 million in Surface Transportation Program (STP)/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) funds over a three year period, from FY 2009-10 through FY 2011-12.

Similar to OBAG, the Cycle 1 program included a Regional Program, managed by MTC,  and County Program, managed by the nine Bay Area Congestion Management Agencies (CMAs).

  • $677 million over 3 years
  • Provided funding to regional programs
    • Freeway Performance Initiative, Climate Initiatives, Operations, Safe Routes to School, Regional Strategic Investments, Planning Activities, and Lifeline Transportation Program
  • Directed funds to County CMAs for the following types of projects:
    • Local street and road maintenance, streetscape enhancements, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, and transportation planning