
We give meaning back to the word innovation




Innovation, n. - process of using imaginative thinking to solve problems or explore new opportunities that will create significant and positive change.

Our Approach

Our team takes a design thinking approach to Innovation. Every project starts with a need or challenge that hasn't been solved using traditional methods. We put our minds together to explore and test creative solutions and make iterative adjustments throughout the process.


Active Learning

Learners who are actively engaged in the education process perform at a higher level than passive learners. Our challenge is to help faculty and students use innovative tools in face-to-face and online learning to enhance engagement through real-time formative assessments, collaboration, and immediate feedback.


In medicine, education and the workplace, working as a team leverages group knowledge and experience. Face-to-face meetings are no longer the only method of collaborating. Our task is to find and develop tools to help bridge time and space in pursuit of the future learning environment. 

Personalized Learning

Learning that is personalized and adapts to each learner's progress is more effective and provides an enriching experience. How can we provide this environment to our learners in hybrid and online courses? How can learning analytics help students and faculty assess progress to better understand the effectiveness of their learning? 

Professional Development

Innovative solutions are often a result of exposure to new skills and ideas. Our goal is to both pursue and deliver enriching professional development opportunities that can energize creativity. The challenge is to seek and deliver professional development in multiple modes to affect the highest number of people as possible, yet to maintain personalization.  

Immersive Learning

Hands-on, interactive learning is an effective method because it immerses the learner in the experience. However, due to limited resources, space or distance, not all learning experiences can be physically immersive. Our team has been experiementing with interactive video, VR and 360 to digitally emulate an immersive environment that engages the learner in the experience.

Innovator Spotlight

Highlighting an Innovator at the School of Medicine who practices design thinking strategies to explore creative solutions to challenges.

Dr. Maya Adam

Dr. Maya Adam is leading efforts to create innovative, accessible online education at the Stanford School of Medicine. Maya's committment to public health has meant rethinking medical education for all learning contexts; her story-driven courses are designed to inform doctors and educate patients, to spark public conversation and inspire personal change. Her entrepreneurial spirit and passion for her vision has pushed the Educational Technology team to new levels of excellence and impact with numerous projects in the last two years alone, including her continuing medical education course "Introduction to Food and Health," her HIV prevention app with South Africa's Philani Mentor Mothers, and her upcoming open-access course on transgender health.

Have An Idea?

Have an idea or an educational challenge that you're experiencing? Our team would love to partner with you on exploring possibilities and designing solutions.

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