CEO Trainee Requirements

Dates and Deadlines

Interested in participating? Please be aware of the following dates:

  • Application opens: November 10th
  • Applications due: November 27th (Application available here)
  • Decisions announced: December 4th
  • CEO course: *1/11/18-3/3/18

CEO Program Timeline

Recommended Year

1 2 3 4 5
1 year before 6 months before 3 months before 1 month before   1-12 weeks after
(during internship)
>12 weeks after

Explore and identify careers, goals

Sign up for CEO coursework

Target sponsors, apply for internships

Conduct practice interviews

Interview, secure internship

Consult with advisor/PI, other stakeholders, and BioSci Careers

Complete leave of absence paperwork

Internship begins

Enroll in/audit Practicum class; attend one check-in class session

Present to/ discuss internship with stakeholders

Complete evaluation

Average time for internship

Internships typically last 8-12 weeks. Trainees are encouraged to pursue full-time internships to maximize their learning outcomes. For internships that include a salary or stipend, a leave of absence is recommended to avoid funding concerns. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis. (See FAQs).

Checklist of program requirements

The basic sequence of events and requirements for trainees to participate in the CEO internship program is as follows:

  • Completion of the CEO Internship Development curriculum, encompassing career planning and assessment, resume/CV construction, communicating interests to sponsors and advisors, improvisation techniques for interview strategy and preparation for on-the-job success.
  • Consultation with/signature from a trainee’s advisor/PI regarding their internship plans and timing before starting the internship
  • Completion of all forms for leave of absence and internship planning purposes
  • Enrollment and participation in Practicum class while doing the internship
  • Internship Site Evaluation Form — submitted after internship is completed

Checklist for internships

Before starting the internship

  • Complete the CEO program coursework
  • Discuss ideas and goals with mentors
  • Get leave of absence approval or agreement from your academic program
  • Review, understand and complete all paperwork related to Stanford’s policies on confidentiality, code-of-conduct and intellectual property, financial agreements, healthcare coverage and housing
  • Discuss, review and get approval for internship opportunity with advisor and plan for return


During the internship

  • Keep track of “business” basics: assignments, attendance, participation, check-ins
  • Respect and follow company/organizational values and culture: professionalism, dress code, stewardship, teamwork, business approach, integrity, tradition and history
  • Maximize outcomes from internship by setting expectations, seeking projects and collaborations, asking questions, showing curiosity and initiative
  • Check-in at least once via the Practicum class to update progress and discuss goals for returning to academic training


After the internship

  • Meet with advisor/PI to ensure smooth reintegration into academic training
  • Complete necessary paperwork for re-enrollment at Stanford
  • Obtain employer feedback and share insights and feedback on skills gained during internship through an evaluation


Trainees are advised to plan and complete their research requirements ahead of time bearing in mind that they will not always be able to work in their academic labs during the internship. Planning this will help them focus fully on the internship and avoid unnecessary disruptions to the progress of their research.

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