Mannequins and Trainers

Mannequin-based simulators have become very common in many fields including operating rooms, intensive care units, emergency departments, labor and delivery rooms, where life-threatening situations require prompt recognition and treatment by individuals or teams of clinicians.

Simulations can now be conducted in a dedicated simulation learning facility, or portable simulated patients can be taken to empty clinical spots in a real work unit, or a real ICU, where exercises can be conducted in the actual places that patient care is done. These simulators are used across all levels of learners, from K-12 students to early learners in university or medical or nursing schools, and by experienced personnel both as individuals, groups, and full multidisciplinary teams. Not only are lessons learned by and about the people in the simulations, but also about clinical work units and systems and can be turned into effective improvements in the workplace and beneficial changes in how we take care of patients in the future.

The ILC has a number of different Laerdal mannequins, including SimMan 3G, SimJunior, SimBaby, and SimNewB that allow patient simulation of varying ages from neonates through to adults and are both low and high fidelity. Our team can help you decide which mannequin would be the best choice for your intended purpose.

Our mannequin-based simulators can replicate:

  • Spontaneous breathing (and the ability to breathe for the patient with a bag or ventilator)
  • Real-time display of electronically monitored information (e.g. ECG, oxygen saturation, etc.)
  • Pulses, heart sounds, breath sounds, pupil size, pupil response to light
  • Obstruction of various parts of the airway

These can be created either in their normal manifestation or a large variety of abnormal conditions can be created such as heart attack, severe allergic reaction, breathing difficulties, sepsis, severe abnormalities of sugar metabolism, and many others.

Most of these simulators provide the ability to stick tubes and needles into various places and to perform other invasive maneuvers such as shocking the heart (defibrillation) or applying an external pacemaker. Mannequin-based simulators also typically include speakers in or near the patient’s head so that the mannequin is also a Standardized Patient (SP) actor. The voice of the patient can come from the computer, or from an instructor or actor using a microphone. Having an SP that can get seriously ill or die (without complaining) is a real advantage in some settings.

Click on the links below to learn about the various Mannequins and Trainers:

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