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Cities With the Biggest Debt Increases

Huntington Beach, California, saw the biggest credit card debt increase, according to a WalletHub study.

Casey Leins March 11, 2019

Brexit and The Irish Border

Moody images of the Irish border hint at a troubled past and an uncertain future.

March 11, 2019

Dems Select Milwaukee for 2020 Convention

The selection highlights the party’s efforts to win back the Rust Belt.

Lisa Hagen March 11, 2019

Denver Air Quality Advisory Continues

Experts say the area’s high pollution levels result from a temperature inversion and emissions.

Casey Leins March 8, 2019

Philadelphia Outlaws Cashless Stores

The law aims to protect low-income customers.

Casey Leins March 8, 2019

D.C. Tech Sector Worries Over Amazon

Amazon is coming to town, but does greater Washington have the tech workforce it needs to meet demand?

Devon Haynie March 8, 2019

Trauma Center Access Varies by Race

A new study finds minority populations disproportionately live in 'trauma deserts' in 3 major U.S. cities.

Katelyn Newman March 8, 2019

Cities Can Lead On the Green New Deal

If policymakers are genuine in their intent to build a more sustainable country, they can take their cues from cities already leading the charge.

Michael Berkowitz March 6, 2019

London Is Growing Up Fast

The U.K. capital is sprouting high-rises, but some believe more needs to be done to address its housing crisis.

Thomas K. Grose March 5, 2019

More Politicians Push for D.C. Statehood

A number of high-profile Congressional Democrats are supporting statehood for the district. Will it matter?

Devon Haynie March 4, 2019




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