Intronic lariats colocalize with TDP-43 cytoplasmic foci in yeast. a) The toxicity of a TDP-43 mutant (ΔNLS), which is retained in the cytoplasm, is also suppressed by dbr1Δ, suggesting that lariat introns are acting in the cytoplasm to suppress toxicity. b) Strategy to visualize lariat introns in living cells. Homologous recombination was used to insert an MS2 RNA-binding sequence in the intron of the ACT1 gene. A GFP-tagged MS2-CP protein was used to visualize accumulated intronic lariats. c) In WT cells, lariat introns did not accumulate and the MS2-CP-GFP signal was faint and diffusely localized throughout the cell. In contrast, in dbr1Δ cells, MS2-CP-GFP accumulated in one or two bright foci per cell and these were always located in the cytoplasm. Scale bar, 5 μm. d) The size and shape of TDP-43 cytoplasmic inclusions was different in dbr1Δ cells compared to WT. Whereas in WT cells, TDP-43 formed multiple small irregularly-shaped foci (arrowheads), in dbr1Δ cells, there was always at least one large perfectly round focus per cell (arrows) and these always co-localized with lariat introns (see panel e). Scale bar, 5 μm. e) Untagged TDP-43 was expressed in WT and dbr1Δ cells and visualized by immunocytochemistry with a TDP-43-specific antibody. TDP-43 cytoplasmic foci colocalized with tagged lariat introns (arrows). In addition to the alteration in TDP-43 foci size and shape, the size and shape of the lariat introns also appeared to be altered by the presence of TDP-43 (compare MS2-CP-GFP panel in dbr1Δ+vector and dbr1Δ+TDP-43 cells). Scale bar, 5 μm. f) A model of how lariat intron accumulation suppresses TDP-43 cytoplasmic toxicity. In WT cells, TDP-43 aggregates in the cytoplasm and could interfere, via RNA-binding, with essential RNAs and RNA-binding proteins. When Dbr1 activity is inhibited (e.g. in dbr1Δ cells), lariat introns accumulate in the cytoplasm and might act as decoys, sequestering TDP-43 away from interfering with important cellular RNAs.