Larger in scope, these projects provide a variety of benefits to the City. Whether developing a new neighborhood complete with transit, commercial, and open space uses or constructing new hospitals and medical office buildings, these projects have an impact on the residents of San Francisco and help contribute to the City's future.
Planning collaborates with other agencies, particularly the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) to develop and review master plans for multi-phase developments on large sites under single ownership, both private and public. Larger than individual buildings or discrete developments, redevelopment of these sites, which may range from 5 to 200 acres or more, entails planning for multiple phases over several years and creation of significant new infrastructure, blocks and streets, parks, and community facilities. In addition to rezoning, these projects also result in the creation of Development Agreements between development sponsors and the City, which are contracts that lay out development rights, additional public benefits of the project, and implementation.