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Consulting Request Form

Consulting Request for the Technical Communication Program, Huang 049 

In addition to its courses, the Technical Communication Program (TCP) provides individual consulting for students who want assistance on a non-credit basis. Students may arrange to meet with a writing tutor to get help with shorter projects, such as job search documents, a grant proposal, a teaching or research statement, a statement of purpose, or a shorter paper/article. Students may arrange to meet with a speech tutor to get help with preparing and rehearsing presentations, dissertation defenses, job interviews, or pitches.   

Note: In all our work with students, the TCP emphasizes instruction; the TCP is not an editing service. Non-credit consulting is for limited, short-term assistance only. Students seeking help on course-related material should have their instructor's approval to receive TCP feedback on writing. Students seeking extended help are advised to enroll in one of the TCP's formal courses, such as Engr 202S, a 1-unit directed writing practicum with one-on-one writing instruction and feedback.

To request a consultation with a writing or speech tutor, complete and submit the form. Please be aware that during periods of high demand, availability may be limited. Please try to submit a request reasonably well in advance of your due date to allow time for scheduling and meeting. The TCP office is in Huang 049 (basement level).

Consulting Request form