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Events are where we connect with our customers and partners in person – to listen, educate and inspire.


Cannes 2016

Explore the Instagram water exhibit at Cannes

People had their portraits taken behind a streaming indoor waterfall, stepped inside an arctic gallery painted on a frozen backdrop and watched award-winning videos from our competition winners celebrating water in its various forms.


Cannes 2016

Watch our creativity talks

Explore 360 video and spatial storytelling, hear from Instagram experts about the art of visual expression and dive into the magic behind breakthrough brands. You'll even get to know Canvas, our new space for big ideas.


dmexco 2016

Hear Chris Cox on the Internet's next billion people

Facebook CPO, Chris Cox, shares how to bring people the stories they really care about. He also looks ahead to the next billion people on the Internet and talks about delivering high-quality experiences on low-quality networks.

Watch now


Global Partner Summit 2016

Get our roadmap for growth

From product visions to tactical advice, the keynotes at last year's Global Partner Summit were all about partner growth. Plus, watch recordings of our interactive breakout sessions split across three different tracks: Build, learn and grow.

A family of apps and services for all of the ways that people and businesses connect.

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Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.