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San Francisco Health Network
Whole Person Care

Our Programs


Whole Person Care (WPC) is a five-year, multimillion-dollar Medi-Cal waiver program awarded to San Francisco to improve outcomes for adults experiencing homelessness and high users of urgent emergent healthcare services. San Francisco’s Program was selected to bring together partner agencies and build on the knowledge through many years of studying its Ecosystem of Care.

These funds provide for new resources and enhance services through delivery innovations identified in the Current State and data sharing technology solutions in the Future State Vision. Partnering across all San Francisco agencies (CCSF Org), our goal is to establish a comprehensive, seamless and human-centric system of care that improves beneficiary’s health outcomes and supports the goal of making homelessness rare, brief, and one-time. Discovery Summary highlights the journey of a person navigating various CCSF services through today’s fractured system of care.

One example of these interagency pilots is adding personnel in two homeless shelters to inform clients of their public benefit options. These are the results for March-August 2018 from Benefit Navigator Pilot.

Follow our progress through all five years of this pilot:

2018 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report
2016 Expanded Application
2015 Original Application