Research Management Group (RMG)

Events and News

"Using ASSIST to Prepare Proposals" Workshop Materials
The ASSIST workshop forms have been moved to the NIH funding opportunities, resources and search tool webpage >>


SMART Meeting June 19, 2018



Date:          Tuesday, June 19, 2018
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Clark Auditorium

For Zoom meeting information for this meeting, please contact Jeanne Heschele at


    • Office of Research Administration 
      Russell Brewer, Senior Associate Vice President, Research Administration
      Come hear about the latest news and updates in ORA.

    • IRB update – Changes to the Common Rule and Single IRB
      Anastasia Doherty, HRPP Associate Director, Research Compliance Office
      Hear about the proposed changes to the regulatory requirements (Common Rule) and what this means to you. An update and the Single IRB process will also be provided.

    • Proposal Intake Form *Update* 
      Sonia Barragan, Associate Director, RMG
      In September we announced a new approach for the intake of proposal requests as part of RMG’s process improvement efforts.   We piloted the Proposal Intake Form (PIF) with 11 departments from Dec 2017 – March 2018.  The  pilot allowed us to test the new process and make adjustments where needed to make this process seemless.  On May 1, 2018 we implemented the PIF across an additional 36 units.  The transition is underway and we are now looking to implement the PIF across the remaining units for a full PIF roll-out across the School of Medicine.  We will review efforts to date, provide a brief demo of the PIF, and answer all your questions.

    • PI Effort Commitment Policy|
      Kathleen Thompson, Director, RMG
      We will review the recent clarification to Research Policy Handbook 3.1 for PI commitment of effort on sponsored projects




SMART Meeting October 17, 2017




    • New eCertification System for Quarterly Review & Certification
      Ken Schulz, Associate Vice President, Research Financial Compliance & Services
      Ken and his team will demo the new process for electronic review and certification of Expenditure Statements.  This new system will roll-out in the next couple of months for certification of FY18 Fall Quarter.
      Download the presentation   PDF file
    • Introducing SeRA Proposal Intake Form
      Kathleen Thompson & Sonia Barragan, RMG
      As part of our ongoing Process Excellence efforts, we have developed a new streamlined approach for gathering proposal information combined with completion of a PDRF in SeRA.

    • Clinical Trial Intake Process
      Erin Romer, CT RMG
      As part of our ongoing Process Excellence efforts to improve budget/contract turnaround time, we are implementing changes to the intake process for industry sponsored clinical trials.
      Download the presentation   PDF file

    • CRISP
      Tim Leung, OSR
      Vanessa Parli & Anita Miranda, Business Process & Metrics Analysis
      Tim will review recent enhancements to the CRISP system.  Vanessa and Anita will share information on the process improvement project they are conducting with OSR to evaluate the clinical trial billing process.
      Download the presentation   PDF file

    • NIH New Application Forms
      Sonia Barragan, RMG
      Sonia will review the significant changes in the new proposal application forms NIH is releasing January 25, 2018.
      Download the presentation   PDF file




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To be added to the S.M.A.R.T. email distribution list to receive research administrative and funding opportunity announcements, please send an email to Jeanne Heschele at jheschele at stanford dot edu [jheschele].

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