Research Management Group (RMG)

Research Process Manager (RPM), Clinical Trial Contract Officer (CTCO) and
Research Financial Compliance Manager (RFCM)

Department assignments

  Our Mission

To facilitate the research mission in the School of Medicine, the Research Management Group (RMG) serves as the central resource and expert partner on research administration providing support and oversight of sponsored projects. RMG represents Stanford University as the institutional official for proposal submission and award acceptance ensuring compliance with federal regulations, sponsor requirements and University policies.

RMG's address is:
3172 Porter Drive, Palo Alto, CA   94304-1212

Internal Stanford mail code:   5469
RMG is part of the Stanford Technology and Innovation Park   more >>

RMG Customer survey

How is my driving? a brief customer survey on RMG's services

We would appreciate feedback on your recent experience with a specific transaction or service provided by RMG. In addition to our annual survey, the results of this survey will be used in our ongoing efforts to improve processes and provide outstanding customer service.   Click here to access the survey >>

SMART and ABC Meetings

S.M.A.R.T. Meeting
 Tuesday, June 19, 2018
10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Clark Center Auditorium
Agenda >>

ABCs of Research Meeting
Presentations >>

What's new

Positions available in RMG

Research Process Manager 1 (RPM)
Clinical Trial Contracts Officer 1 (CT CO)
more >>

Internal Proposal Deadline Policies
School of Medicine/RMG and
Office of Sponsored Research (OSR)
more >>

NIH Extramural Nexus Newsletter
Wait…It’s Not MY Grant?

Working with Human Subjects? New Human Subjects System Replaces NIH's Inclusion Management System

Now available: Delegate Tasks When Working on Interim or Final RPPs

European Union General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Stanford is required to comply with this regulation more >>

NIH Award Closeout policy-update
more >>

PI Eligibility and PI waiver exception types:
more >>

Reporting & Analytics in RMG
Includes request for report forms
more >>

"Using ASSIST to Prepare Proposals"
Workshop documents more >>

Budget information and justification templates

"Cost of Conducting Research"
infographic and new DoResearch webpage- see the Institutional (F&A) rates section


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