The Asian Liver Center

The Asian Liver Center at Stanford University is the first non-profit organization in the United States that addresses the disproportionately high rates of chronic hepatitis B infection and liver cancer in Asians and Asian Americans. Founded in 1996, the center addresses the gaps in the fight against hepatitis B through a four-pronged approach of collaboration, advocacy, research, and education & outreach (CARE). The ultimate goal of the Center is to eliminate the transmission and stigma of hepatitis B, and reduce deaths from liver cancer and liver disease caused by chronic hepatitis B.


Through public and private partnerships, the health disparities associated with chronic hepatitis B and liver cancer can be overcome. The Asian Liver Center has a long history of building collaborative networks with a diverse array of cross-sectoral partners to address hepatitis B.


In order to successfully eradicate hepatitis B, we must unite together and speak out against this silent killer. The Asian Liver Center works on the local, statewide, national and international levels to promote hepatitis B and liver cancer awareness.


The Asian Liver Center conducts translational research by which our scientific research is translated into practical applications and policies to improve human health. We are committed to finding novel approaches to increase the effectiveness of diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment through the development of a comprehensive liver cancer research program.

Education and Outreach

The key to winning the fight against hepatitis B and liver cancer is prevention, and prevention begins with outreach and education. Since its founding in 1996, the Asian Liver Center has been dedicated to serving the Asian community through a variety of outreach and education programs.

A Message From the Director

All of us at the Asian Liver Center are filled with joy and gratitude for the countless friends in the community who help us realize our vision each day. Since its establishment in 1996, the Asian Liver Center has become a national and international leader in the fight against hepatitis B and liver cancer. With the help of a strong network of hundreds of governmental and nongovernmental agencies, state and federal legislators, private corporations and foundations, and community partners, the Asian Liver Center has forged new ground in outreach, education, advocacy, and research for the global eradication of hepatitis B and liver cancer.

Thanks to the generous support of donors and friends like you, the Asian Liver Center continues to make great strides towards the global eradication of hepatitis B and liver cancer. In Qinghai, China, your support has helped us complete the vaccination and education of over 500,000 children. We also partnered with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, to launch a new global initiative targeting the 41 countries that account for 76% of the global burden of HBV. Our local advocacy efforts have helped make HBV screening and vaccination become standards of quality care in the US.

Despite our accomplishments, much work remains. HBV and liver cancer take nearly a million lives each year, yet global attention and funding are still lacking. As we face the challenges ahead, we do so with great hope that this treatable and preventable disease will one day be eradicated. We believe this because of the continued support offered by generous donors, volunteers, and partners around the world.

With Tremendous Gratitude,

Samuel So, MD, FACS
Director, Asian Liver Center
Director, Liver Cancer Program
The Lui Hac Minh Professor of Surgery
Stanford University School of Medicine

Samuel So, MD, FACS 

Executive Director