Weight Management

Weight Management: Building the Foundation

This 12-week program helps participants gradually change life-long habits related to nutrition, physical activity, weight management, and stress management. Through improved lifestyle practices, they will see gains in their health, enjoy improved interpersonal relationships and experience increased effectiveness at work. The program consists of an online health assessment and 12 group sessions. In the group sessions, participants set a short-term goal that they work on between sessions. They discuss their progress, obstacles, and strategies with one another. The facilitator also leads a discussion on a topic related either to behavioral science (e.g., staying motivated, building a support network), or on a topic more directly related to weight loss (e.g., non-hunger eating). The program does not provide participants with a diet or exercise plan. Rather, our philosophy is that participants learn how to become self-managers of their own health, as they come up with their own goals, with input from the facilitator and other group members. After the 12 weeks, participants will have the skills and strategies needed to sustain the lifestyle changes they have begun, and continue on their path to healthier living.

Weight Management- Building the Foundation
Cost of the class is $375. Eligible for STAP/EA Funds.

Those who are interested in the class can contact Debbie Balfanz at dbalfanz@stanford.edu and 650-725-3185.