Jennifer E. Dannals

PhD Program, Organizational Behavior
PhD Program Office
Graduate School of Business
Stanford University
655 Knight Way
Stanford, CA 94305

Jennifer E. Dannals

I study how people perceive groups and teams and how groups and teams interact. In my dissertation, I explore how individuals perceive group behavior and group norms. Using experimental methods, I examine how the distribution of behavior in a team, for example if the team has a behavioral outlier or deviant, influences how individuals perceive the team's social norms. In other work, I study how start-up teams and organizations can be better structured to improve performance.
Research Interests
Social Norms
Groups and Teams
Judgment and Decision Making
Social Norm Perception in Groups With Outliers PDF
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Behavioral Processes in Long-Lag Interventions PDF
Perspectives on Psychological Science
Last Updated 16 Feb 2018