Political Economy


Mother holding hand of son | iStock/Nadezhda1906
September 12, 2017

Immigrant Protections Improve Children’s Mental Health

Research shows DACA has significantly reduced the number of anxiety disorders among immigrant families.


An american flag painted on cracked pavement | iStock/Delpixart
July 14, 2017

The Link Between Globalization and Political Instability

Job automation and rising tensions in the labor force will bring even more volatility in the future, says political economist David Brady.


A man smokes a cigarette in a doorway in downtown Boston, Massachusetts. | Reuters/Brian Snyder
August 23, 2017

Why Aren’t More Americans Ditching Their Cigarettes?

A Stanford study finds that people understand smoking can lead to deadly diseases like lung cancer, but many underestimate those risks.
Insights on economic theory, industrial organization, labor economics, macroeconomics, econometrics, environmental economics, and global trade.

Latest Stories in Political Economy

January 30, 2018

Using Data to Find the Best Homes for Refugees

Stanford scholars develop an algorithm to choose cities for resettlement.
September 12, 2017

Immigrant Protections Improve Children’s Mental Health

Research shows DACA has significantly reduced the number of anxiety disorders among immigrant families.
August 23, 2017

Why Aren’t More Americans Ditching Their Cigarettes?

A Stanford study finds that people understand smoking can lead to deadly diseases like lung cancer, but many underestimate those risks.
July 14, 2017

The Link Between Globalization and Political Instability

Job automation and rising tensions in the labor force will bring even more volatility in the future, says political economist David Brady.
July 6, 2017

Trump and the GOP — Can this Marriage Work?

Will Republican leaders continue to tolerate the outlier President? David Brady, Professor of Political Economy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business says yes... for now.
July 3, 2017

Europeans Favor Fairness in Allocating Asylum Seekers

Stanford scholars surveyed citizens of 15 European countries and found that they support allocating asylum seekers proportional to each country’s capacity.
June 14, 2017

Why Politicians Have Incentives to Let Outdated Policies Linger

Real-world disruptions inevitably lead to “policy decay,” but corrections are hard to come by.
June 7, 2017

Is Capitalism Bad for Workers?

Labor’s share of national income is shrinking. But don’t hit the barricades just yet.
April 25, 2017

Can the GOP Fix the Corporate Income Tax?

A Stanford expert breaks down the next big challenge of Trump’s presidency.
April 3, 2017

Should States Give Driver’s Licenses to Unauthorized Residents?

New research shows a positive safety impact of a California law that gave 800,000 people a license to drive.