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Graduate Programs

In Silicon Valley, Stanford is surrounded by an extraordinary collection of biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical technology companies. Within a 50-mile radius of Stanford, there are over 500 life-sciences companies, ranging from start-ups to corporate giants.

Additionally, Sand Hill Road, which borders the Stanford campus, is the “capital of venture capital” in the U.S., with a large number of firms that specialize in biotech and med tech investments.  Stanford utilizes the wealth of mentorship and expertise in the community in areas ranging from science and business, to patent law, FDA regulation, Medicare and other areas of technology.

Stanford University is home to a strong network of active members of the engineering, biosciences, medical and business communities. With a variety of departments and programs affiliated with Stanford Bioengineering, our campus provides a variety of opportunities and resources for students to grow their ideas and achieve their goals. Programs such as Bio-X and Biodesign bring together over 40 departments across campus to facilitate the teaching and research in bioengineering, biomedics and biosciences.

Our small departments allow students to develop meaningful relationships, while our new facilities and access to the Schools of Medicine and Engineering offer unparalleled resources. Stanford’s proximity to the School of Medicine (SOM) and its location in the heart of Silicon Valley help cultivate a collaborative community between bioengineers and clinical partners, which includes access to seminar series provided by the SOM. Read more about our bioengineers at the forefront of research in recent news.

The department receives tremendous support and is thankful for our affiliate programs and institutions.