The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-partisan, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom.

Jihad Report
Dec 03, 2016 -
Dec 09, 2016

Attacks 40
Killed 322
Injured 515
Suicide Blasts 6
Countries 11

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
November, 2016

Attacks 228
Killed 2003
Injured 2917
Suicide Blasts 27
Countries 27
List of Attacks

It's far easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different.


The Quran

List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

"I’d rather die standing up
than live on my knees."
Stephane Charbonnier

      Picture of the Week      

 "It would have been better if the Dutch state had sent a
clear signal [to terrorists] via a Dutch court that we foster a
 broad notion of the freedom of expression in the Netherlands
— Paul Cliteur, Professor of Jurisprudence, Leiden University.

A week after a court upheld the right of vigilante patrols
to enforce Sharia on the streets of Germany, another
EU court convicted Geert Wilders for expressing himself.


Syrian Christian Children Bullied by Muslims in Germany…
French Police Threatened after Mosque Shut Down…
Priest Warns Nativity Scene Could Offend Muslims (in Italy)…
Muslim Mob Attacks Ahmadi Mosque…
France Stops 17 Religion of Peace Terror Attacks in 2016…
Copts Reeling in Aftermath of Suicide Bombing at Church…
NY Activist Pushes Hate against Egypt's Persecuted Copts…
OSU 'Activists' Defend OSU Terrorist…
Jimmy Carter to Obama: Extend Recognition to Palestinian State…
Austrian Press Told to Self-Censor Negative Migrant News…
Germany: 75% of Algerian Migrants Have Been Sex Assault Suspects…
UK Town Erects Concrete Barriers to Protect Christmas…
UK Court Gives Children Back to Extremist Couple: 'Reformed Views'…
50 Christian Statues Marred or Beheaded in German Town..
Wilders Rises in Polls Following Conviction…
Hate Crime Fizzle in Canada: Cops Say Teens Assault Not Hate Related…
RAF Commander: Deploy Teenage Gamers to Blast ISIS with Drones…
Iran Stops 7-Year-Old Girl from Entering Soccer Stadium…
Univ. of Wisconsin Don Hijbs, Stage 'Islam Appreciation Week'…
Elderly Couple Ambushed by 'Migrants' in Dunkirk…
Turkey Criticizes Migrant-Swamped Europe for 'Xenophobia'…
Sharia-Compliant Bank Opens in Scotland…
Hamas Parade Features Children Armed to the Teeth…
Vienna: Muslim 'Migrant' Stabs Two, Kills One…
Malay Islamists: Non-Muslims Have No Right to Ban Forced Conversion
Obama Dodges Responsibility for ISIS: Blames Others…
ISIS Finds an Audience in the Caribbean…
Serial Offender, Child Rapist Gets to Stay in Sweden…
Syrian Migrant Used Amazon Gift Cards to Build Bomb…
Suicide Bomber Massacres 25 at Coptic Church Service…
Caliph Urges Christmas Muggings for Allah…
Berlin's New Secretary of State Supports Sharia…
Britain Knows Illegal is Plotting Terror But Fears More for Him…
15-Year-Old Gay Rape Victim Thrown from Roof…
(Egypt) 'Father' Punishes 6-Year-Old by Burning Hands with Lighter…
'Migrant' Opens Fire on Greek Police Officer…
Number of Female Jihadis in Austria Exceeds Expectations…
(AUS) Shiite Mosque Tagged with Arabic Graffiti and Burned…
Top Iranian Cleric Tells Iraqis Not to Trust U.S…
Islamist Says to Kill Moderate Muslims 'Like Roaches', Blames OCD
'Arab Spring' in Syria: 25 Children Hit with Chlorine Gas…
Pig Carcass Dumped at Oklahoma Mosque…
Suicide Bomber Massacres 38 Outside Turkish Soccer Stadium…
Australia Paying Benefits to Polygamous Muslim Families…
Greenfield Pans College Benefit Concert for Snowflake…
British Pop Star's Family Gets Death Threats over Christmas Tree…
Turkey Starts to Crack Open Migrant Flood Gates…
Cairo Women Protest Sexual Harassment with Short Dresses…
Boston Islamic Center Hosts 'Inter-faith' Event, Despite Terror Ties…
'Muslim Child' Torture Video Turns Out Not to Be True…
Cleric Sanctions Dressing as Priest or Rabbi to Carry Out Terror Act…
Houston Man Admits Setting Fire to His Own Mosque…
Merkel Creates Germany's 'Biggest Problem' in Two Short Years…
'Migrants' Refuse to Pay Bus Fare - Dutch Cops Pay for Them…
Germany Encourages Migrants to Leave - at Cost of £126 Million…
Christian Forgives Muslim for Shooting His Daughter…
Polygamy Advocate: "Not in Man's Nature" to Have Just One…
Muslim Columnist Slams 'Witch-Hunt' Against School Principal…
(UK) 'Migrant' Dodges Deportation, Begins Rape Spree…
French Schools Ban Santa for Being 'Too Christian'…
California Professor Says Trump Voters are the Real Terrorists…
Somali 'Migrant' Whips Pregnant Wife with Belt…
Merkel Shrugs Off Ladenburger Murder…
Masturbating Migrants Raise Stink in Swedish Churches…
UN Chief Compares Trump 'Tactics' to Islamic State…
Obama: Taliban Cannot Be Defeated…
Afghan Rapist Gets to Stay in Sweden 'Because He is Gay'…
'Asylum Seekers' Burn Down Homes Provided by UK Taxpayers…
Syrian-Born Professor: Migrants See Women as Fair Game for Rape…
Islamic Parties Opposed Bill Banning Forced Conversions…
Cleric: Immodestly Dressed Women to Blame for Rivers Drying Up…
Facebook Bans Woman for Posting Picture of Migrant Rapist…
Germany Tries 3 'Radicalized' Youth for Bombing Sikh Wedding…
Sweden Arrests Syrian Migrant for Torching Shiite Prayer Room…
Wilders Convicted: 'The Netherlands Has Become a Sick Country'…
UK Boxing Champion Says ISIS Treated Unfairly by Media…
'Growing Number' of Migrants Ditch Islam in Free Choice EU…
Cologne NYE Report: 1200 Women Assaulted by 2000 Suspects…
Bearded Man Kicks Berlin Woman Down Subway Stairs…
Government Fires Police Officer for Joining Islam-Critical FB Group…
US Activist Warns Other Muslims Not to Talk to Certain Jews…
Boko Haram Putting 120,000 African Children at Risk of Starving…
Sydney Duo Sentenced for Mass Murder Islamic Plot…
St. Louis Man to Co-Workers: I Could Blow You Up with One Call…
SPLC Declares Orlando Islamic Attack a 'Right-Wing' Plot…
'Migrants' Brutally Beat Swedish Subway Security Guards…
Three Charged in Honor Killing of Social Media Star…
Promotion of British Culture Now 'Racist' in Britain…
Tests Show 74% of 'Underage' Asylum Seekers are Lying Adults…
'Migrants' in Spain Dress as Police to Rob Locals…
(Portugal) New Arrival Beats and Rapes Elderly Host…
Caliphate Releases 'How To' Guide for Lone Wolves…
Man Rapes Woman in Canada, Then Heads Back to Pakistan…
EU: 1750 Jihadis Back in Europe with Orders to Kill…
Austria: Migrant Sex Attacks Up 133% in One Year…
UK Islamic Leader: 'White People' Responsible for Integrating Muslims
Cleric Charged with Threatening to Murder Colleague…
ISIS Launches Call-In Show for Jihadis with Personal Problems…
Boris Johnson Lectures Saudi Arabia on Islam…
Bread Brand Becomes Latest Target of Muslim Wrath…
Sri Lanka Urged to Arrest Buddhist Monk Who Disrespected Islam…
US Man Says Cheerleader Turned Convert Wife Lured Him to ISIS…
Germany: BDS is Anti-Semitic, Similar to Nazi Boycotts of Jews…
(Netherlands) New Muslim Political Party Claims Hitler was Jewish…
University of Oklahoma Opens Muslim Prayer Room…
Ellison's 'About Face' Angers Former Nation of Islam Allies…
German Court Upholds Mixed Gender Swimming…
Sydney Hospital Staff Reel from Bacon Horror…
AUS Islamic Leaders Furious over 'Peppa Pig' Cartoon…
Man Sentenced in Plot to Bomb US Capitol Yells, 'Allah is in Control!'…
YouTube Censors Video of Pro-Israel Muslim as 'Hate Speech'…
Amazon: You Can Wipe Your Feet on 'Jesus', But Not 'Allah'…
Wikileaks Ties Erdogan's Son-in-Law to ISIS…
Indonesian Christmas Celebration Shut Down by Islamic Hardliners…
Indonesia Hit by Earthquake: Mosque Flattened…
Imam: Immigrants Should Sign Binding Promise to Integrate…
Islamic Terror Threat Surges in U.S. - at Highest Level Since 9/11…
Sydney ISIS Suspect Snubs Judge: Stands 'Only for Allah'…
Shocker: France Discovers 'Jihadi Breeding Ground' at Mosque…
Expert: British Benefits Used to Fund Terror Cells and ISIS…
'Asylum Seeker' Bides Time with Rape Spree…
NY Times Raises Possibility of 'Anti-Muslim Holocaust'…
Iranian Cops Hit 12-Year-Old Boy for Converting to Christianity…
Lebanon's Woman Protest Law En-couraging Rapists to 'Marry' Victims
Italy Deports 'Migrant' Who Sought to Blow Up Vatican…
Stabbing Near Amsterdam Asylum Center Leave One Seriously Hurt…
'Asylum Seeker' Stabs Another for Being Gay (Netherlands)…
Facebook Removes Post of Muslims Sitting During Canadian Anthem…
CAIR Pedophile Sentenced…
Hate Preacher Linked to Scot's Murder Allowed Back in UK…
FBI Investigates Threat to Los Angeles Rail System…
Bishop Pays Ransom to the Caliph for 226 Christians…
Germany's 'Asylum Homes' Rife with Islamic Radicalism…
Five 'Child' Refugees Gang-Rape One Real Child…
16-Year-Old Syrian Charged with Plotting Terror Attack in Germany…
Iran Sentences Fashion Models to Years in Prison…
Nashville Mosque Has Ties to Extremism…
Swedish Advocate of Mass Migration Converts to Islam…
Demographer: Europe Will Have 100 Million Muslims in 35 Years…
Foreign Marriage in UK Means 'First Generation in Every Generation'…
Islamic State Makes Qurans Even More Deadly…
UN: Boko Haram Caused $2.7 Billion in Humanitarian Damage…
French PM Replaced by Minister Who Wants Even More Migrants…
Merkel Tries to Put Migration Genie Back in Bottle…
NY: Only 2 of 34 Hate Crimes Since Election are Anti-Muslim (at End)
Historic Connecticut Church to Become Mosque…
Gay Man Hurled Off Roof and Stoned by Baying Crowd…
Poll: 76% of Turks Feel 'No Sympathy' for Syrian Refugees…
Study Finds Odd Correlation of Sex Crimes to Migrant Center Proximity
Italian Government Helping to Smuggle Illegals into EU…
Video Captures Riot at Dutch Refugee Center…
Abusive Afghan Husband Tracks Down Wife in Europe…
Palestinian TV Exhorts Faithful to 'Slice Open Enemy's Chest'…
Devout Mother Forces 6-Year-Old Son to Train with ISIS…
BBC's Muslim Version of 'Big Brother' to Feature ISIS Defender…
Religion of Peace Cleric Calls on Iran to 'Retaliate' against U.S…
Mosque Accidently Hit by Bus - 12 Injured in Ensuing Muslim Riot…
Bomb Hurled at Egyptian Church…
EU Arrested 1,077 Muslims for Terror in 2015…
DNC's Ellison: Israel 'Mobilizes' Jews in the U.S. to Do Its Bidding…
Muslims Quick to Play the Victim After OSU Attack…
Caliphate Members Destroy Christian and Shia Graves…
'Refugee' Served with the Taliban…
Government Report Confirms Mass Migration Hurting Britain…
Dutch Make Arrests over Plot to Bomb Synagogue…
WaPo Admits 'Moderate' Rebels Would Join Jihadists…
Islamic State Calls Meeting to Choose Caliph's Successor…
UK Sends Half Billion in Aid to Somalia - Knowing it Funds Terror

Religion of Peace
Atrocity of the Week

Atrocity of the Week
56 Nigerans Massacred
 by Two Schoolgirls

Other Recent
of Islam"

2016.12.11 (Egypt)
A brutal Religion of Peace suicide bomb blast during service at a Coptic church claims two dozen innocent lives.

2016.12.11 (Somalia)
Two young boys are among thirty slaughtered by a Shahid suicide bomber.

2016.12.10 (Yemen)
A massive suicide blast targets security personnel lining up for pay, leaving at least forty-eight dead.

2016.12.10 (Pakistan)
A Shiite civil engineer is gunned down in a targeted attack by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

2016.12.09 (Nigeria)
Two school-age girls are strapped with 'suicide' bombs and sent into a crowded market. Over fifty patrons are massacred in the subsequent explosion.

2016.12.09 (Egypt)
Hasm Islamists kills six guards with a bomb planted near the pyramids.

(Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple  sources.  The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).

Islamic Propaganda

Myths of Muhammad

Games Muslims Play

Myths of Islam

Myths of Islam

David Wood: Fact-Checking
 "10 Lies You Were Told
About Islam" (Part 1, 2)

of the Month
Fr Sante Braggiè
December, 2016

Sting & Bataclan Theater
November, 2016

October, 2016

"Sharia Sally" Kohn
September, 2016

Rosie Ayliffe
August, 2016

Loretta Lynch
July, 2016

Ryan Reyes
June, 2016

Joaquim Reinig
May, 2016

About CAIR

CAIR's Agenda: Islamization, Not Civil Rights

3 Tricks CAIR Employed to Hide the truth about Orlando

CAIR is Hamas

CAIR: The Investigative Project Report

Questions CAIR Refuses to Answer

Anti-CAIR Site

Infidel from Hell
Nadia Murad &
Lamiya Aji Bashar

November, 2016

Zineb El Rhazoui
October, 2016

Magomed Nurbagandov
September, 2016

Khalil Tahir
August, 2016

Maryam Namazie
June, 2016

Major Erasmus
May, 2016

Dario Fernandez-Morera
April, 2016

Victor Orban
March, 2016

"Copy that."

Put the Numbers
in Perspective

Islamic Terrorists...

...killed twice as many people in one month (5000) in November, 2014) than were killed in in 350 years of Inquisition (2000-3000).

...murder more people everyday than the KKK has in the last 70 years (26 since 1945).

...killed more civilians in two hours on September 11th (2977) than in the 26 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland (2236).

...massacred more Iraqis on a single day in June, 2014 (1566) than the number of criminals executed by America in the last 40 years (1423).

...killed more Americans on American soil than the combined militaries of Japan and Nazi Germany in WWII.

...slaughter more people everyday than were killed during the entire Salem Witch Trials (12).

In 2007, Islam and Judaism's holiest
 holidays overlapped for 10 days.
 Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies
 in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries
 during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.

Raymond Ibrahim
The Ugly Truth about Muslim 'Grievances'

Brent Bozell
Hollywood Ponders America's 'Hatred' for Muslims

Raymond Ibrahim
Egypt's Deadliest Church Attack

Illegal to Criticize Islam in Europe

France: A Civilization Threatened Again

Answering Muslims
Fun Islamic Facts: Licking Muhammad's Fingers (Video)

The Dutch Death Spiral: From Paradise to Bolshevik Thought Police

Asia News
Lost Childhood in Bangladesh

Anne Marie Waters
The Shocking Treatment of Christians in Europe's Refugee Camps

David Wood
My Favorite Quran Verse (Video)

Daily Mail
Former Immigrant: "Anyone Who Says Brexit is Racist Doesn't Understand"

Wilders Conviction and the Criminalization of Free Expression

FrontPage Magazine
Was Muhammad Really a Feminist?

Cause Match
Inside the Terror Factory: Is this Childhood? (Video)

William Kilpatrick
Waiting for the War That is Already Here

Amnesty International's Double Standards

FrontPage Magazine
Merkel's Backtrack on Refugees: Too Little, Too Late

Islam Exposed
Answering the Muslim Letter to President-Elect Trump

Raymond Ibrahim
Media Omits Uncomfortable Truth About Muslim 'Grievances'

Sharia Law Meets the Internet

Daily Express
Merkel's Open Door Policy Backfires in Germany

Sea Globe
They Hypocrisy Behind Indonesia's War on Sex

The Dragon of Islamic Terrorism

France is Decomposing in Front of Our Eyes

William Kilpatrick
Why You Should Worry about Virgins in Paradise

CAIR is Hamas (Video)

The West's Politically Correct Dictatorship

Islamist Erdogan's Fifth Column in Europe

Apartheid on the Streets of Blackburn

"Best of"
Articles Archive

Europe's Planned Migrant Revolution

Critiquing Islam Makes You an "Anti-Muslim Bigot?"

Is Islam a Religion?

How Much of Our Culture Do We Surrender to Islam?

Islamic Terror and Western Betrayal

Islamic Terrorists Not Motivated by Hate

How Islamists are Slowly Desensitizing Europe and America

The Problem with Multi-Cultural Foot Washing

Islam is to Terror What Rain is to Flooding

Political Correctness Kills

20 Ways to Stop "Islamophobia"

Four Stages of Islamic Conquest

Islam's Protestant Reformation

The Islamic Scam

Right-Wing Terror vs. Islamic Terror

10 Facts About the Quran

The Real Source of Muslim 'Grievances'

Tiny Minority of Radicals? Try 72%

A Word to the Criminal Migrant (Video)

A Word to Offended Muslims (Video)

Islam's Indian Slave Trade

Islam's Rule of Numbers

What is 'Islamophobia'? Who are the 'Islamophobes'?

Islam in Africa

Two Kinds of Dhimmis

Why Islam is Not a Religion

'Muslimsplaining' Islamic Terror Away

Who Will Teach Tolerance to Muslims?

European Slave Trade by Muslim Turks

Islam Co-Opts Judeo-Christian Values

A Warning to the West from the Heart of Islam

Upset about the Iraq War? Blame Iraqis

Muslim Rights Vs. Muslim Wrongs

50 Reasons Why Muhammad is Not a Prophet

Islamophobia: The Irrational Fear of Questioning Islam

The Case for Muslim Reparations to Europeans

Why 'Moderate Islam' is an Oxymoron

Islam, Africa and Black America

What about Northern Ireland?

Why I Left Islam

Pat Condell: Appeasing Islam

The Muslim Case for Killing Non-Muslims

Violence in the Bible - Same as the Quran?

Fundamentalist Fashion Show

The Case against Islam

A Picture of Life in Gaza


A British Imam Explains Why Muslims Kill Non-Muslims

Millions of Muslims Killed (By Muslims) Since 1948

CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment

5th Column: The Religion Barrier

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