Michael Yon

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Home Michael's Dispatches War above McChrystal's Head

War above McChrystal's Head

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Published: 17 April 2010
Originally posted on Facebook



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Michael Yon
P.O. Box 5553
Winter Haven, Fl 33880


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Michael, I've always respected your work, but I hope to see more elaboration on why you think General McChrystal is over his head.
Kilroy , April 17, 2010
Seems pretty harsh without specifics...
TC , April 18, 2010
They say you are either a source or you a target. My guess is that General McChrystal wasn't providing the access or support Mr Yon needed or felt he deserved. I have only met a few Generals, but I absolutely stand behind General McChrystal. In short, I hope you eat your words Mr. Yon.
Kurt , April 18, 2010

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This is a team effort: Your CASH is required to keep these dispatches coming.  Please donate NOW.

Your support is crucial and appreciated.

Michael Yon
P.O. Box 5553
Winter Haven, Fl 33880
