I gotback Home

•29 June, 2009 • 98 Comments

I gotback home.
I am Amir
I am FREE.

Thank you All friends around the world for your prayers, activities and helps. LOVE you ALL.

2009/6/29 – TEHRAN

Demonstration and Protests to Election Results – The 5th Day

•17 June, 2009 • 266 Comments

Tehran, 2009/6/17

Iranian protestors to 2009 Presidental election results, had a “silent demonstration” at the 5th day of protests.
They moved from 7tir square to Enqelab square. The protestors want to revoke this elections.

P.S: Many websites and news agencies linked to this website and photos. Thanks to everybody for supporting me and protestors.
Sueddeutsche.de has write an article about me and some other media that reports the news from Tehran. It’s available Here.

Continue reading ‘Demonstration and Protests to Election Results – The 5th Day’

Peaceful Demonstration after 2 Days Clash videos

•16 June, 2009 • 173 Comments

Tehran, 2009/6/15

After 2 days hard clash between election results protestors and police and anti-riot, today hundreds of thousands of people jammed the streets of Iran’s capital city Monday to show support for defeated Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi.

More photos and videos.

Continue reading ‘Peaceful Demonstration after 2 Days Clash videos’

Peaceful Demonstration after 2 Days Clash

•16 June, 2009 • 47 Comments

Tehran, 2009/6/15

After 2 days hard clash between election results protestors and police and anti-riot, today hundreds of thousands of people jammed the streets of Iran’s capital city Monday to show support for defeated Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi.

Read more at CNN .

Peaceful Demonstration after 2 Day Clash

Peaceful Demonstration after 2 Day Clash

Peaceful Demonstration after 2 Day Clash

Continue reading ‘Peaceful Demonstration after 2 Days Clash’

Vidoes from protests in Tehran

•15 June, 2009 • 143 Comments

Tehran, 2009/6/13

Finally i could upload the videos of clash and conflict between protestors to election results and riot police forces and somewhere Basij forces. The delay is because of very low bandwith of internet at these days in Iran.

You can see the photos here and here.

Continue reading ‘Vidoes from protests in Tehran’