Quilicura, Chile

Job opportunities

Google hires the most qualified individuals from around the world. We don’t know in advance how many people we will hire locally, but we make it a priority to hire from within the community whenever possible because it‘s good for business and the right thing to do.

Applying for a job

Our hiring process at each data center starts with leadership positions requiring a good deal of experience and responsibility. Once we fill these leadership positions, we look for data technicians and other personnel. Please visit our careers site to find specifics on jobs we're filling now.

Here are some examples of the types of employees a data center needs to succeed:

Due to the large number of applications we receive daily, we cannot accept resumes that are not for a specific position or location. Also, it may take us several months to follow-up with an applicant, so please be patient.

For information on contract opportunities in fields such as security, landscape and food service, please see the “Contractors and vendors” section below.

Contractors and Vendors

We contract with local vendors whenever possible and will continue to post opportunities here as they arise. While all of our contracting needs are currently met, we’re happy to forward any vendor inquiry to the appropriate resource for consideration. Please send all inquiries to quilicura@google.com for further review.

In addition, we contract with G4S for security at all our facilities. Frequently, G4S hires regionally for open positions. For more information, please visit the job postings on their web site at http://www.g4s.com/usw.