Sales Resources

Pro photographers and agencies, these resources can help you stand out as a power contributor, equip you to share the delight of Street View in VR form, and empower your clients to promote their Street View status with pride. If you’re looking for compelling data that evidences the power of this content, check out our virtual tour stats too.

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“Step Inside” Stickers

  • Promote newly photographed businesses that have been added to Street View
  • Print this sticker design with the printing service of your choice
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Trusted Badge File

  • Eligible Street View contributors may use the trusted badge according to the sales and branding guidelines below
  • Those who are not — or no longer — eligible cannot use this badge
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Google Cardboard

  • Enjoy Street View in virtual reality
  • Great for demos or as a client gift
  • At 100+ units, you qualify for custom graphics and low pricing per unit ($7.59)

The Role of Trusted Pros

As a photographer or agency, Street View photography offers a powerful sales proposition. As a business seeking exposure, an experienced Street View contributor can help you gain visibility quickly and easily. Regardless of your role in this exchange, it’s important that you understand each party’s responsibilities, as outlined here.

Before you Begin

While you might not be a member of the Trusted program, some of the below guidelines may still be relevant to you. If you are interested to join the Trusted program, read What it takes to be trusted to learn about the requirements.

Branding Guidelines

Only companies that have earned trusted status can use the Google Maps Street View brand and trusted badge as marketing assets. If you’re a trusted pro, we invite you to leverage them to celebrate your distinguished status. Trusted pros can use the Trusted badge, word mark, and branding elements, including Google Maps and Street View, or any other related logos. Below are some things you can and can’t do with them. If you believe someone is violating Google’s permitted uses of our brand assets, you can report these inappropriate uses.

Transparency & Accountability

Street View celebrates honest representations of the world. When selling your photographic services to others, it’s important you embody the same transparency and that you understand your duties and rights as they pertain to other people, brands and local laws.