What it Takes to be Trusted

As a photographer or agency, your reputation means everything. Gain distinction and leads with Street View’s trusted badge and promotion in our index of for-hire professionals. Once you’ve reached fifty published 360 photos, check the Street View app for a special invitation to be marketed as a trusted pro while joining Local Guides.

The Street View Trusted Badge

Unlock special designation as a trusted contributor. Publish fifty approved 360 photos for access to:

  • A digital badge that distinguishes your published work and profile throughout the Street View app
  • Trusted brand assets and the right to market yourself as a trusted photographer/agency
  • More exposure being featured in our for-hire index
  • Paid leads as local businesses request shoots
  • Auto-connect closely spaced 360 photos (optional)
  • Access to a private forum on Local Guides connect
Streetview trusted logo

What it Takes to be Trusted

All approved 360 photos must meet the following criteria for image quality, connectivity and appropriateness. For complete requirements, see the Google Maps Image Acceptance & Privacy Policies.

Thumb image quality

Image Quality

  • 7.5 mp or larger (3,840 x 1,920 px).
  • 2:1 image aspect ratio
  • No gaps in image around horizon
  • No significant stitching errors
  • Adequate detail in light/dark areas
  • Sharpness: no motion blur, in focus
  • No distracting effects or filters
Thumb connectivity


  • All connected 360 photos must maintain a clear line-of-sight
  • Try shooting at 1 meter spacing indoors and every 3m outdoors
  • To increase the chances that we can later connect to your content, extend your collection to a street
Thumb appropriateness


  • Consent to show people and place
  • Geographically accurate placement
  • No computer generated spaces
  • No attribution beyond nadir area
  • No hateful or illegal content
  • Once enrolled, you must abide by our Sales & Branding Guidelines