Montgomery County, Tennessee

Google is proud to call Montgomery County/Clarksville, Tennessee home to one of our data centers.

In March of 2018, Google officially broke ground on its $600 million data center in Montgomery County, Tennessee. Once fully operational, our data center will employ more than 70 employees in a variety of full-time and contractor roles, including computer technicians, engineers, and various food services, maintenance, and security roles.

Since 2017, we've awarded more than $450,000 to local schools and nonprofits. We've invested in several green initiatives, including a collaboration with Austin Peay State University’s Southeastern Grasslands Initiative. We also support educational initiatives in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through grants, events, and programs.

Why did Google choose Montgomery County?

Montgomery County had the right combination of energy infrastructure, developable land and a strong business environment. Both Montgomery County and the state of Tennessee worked incredibly hard to make this site work for one of our data centers. We are looking forward to being a part of this community for many years to come.

Who do I contact for more information?