Cosaint sonraí san Aontas Eorpach

An Rialachán Ginearálta maidir le Cosaint Sonraí (RGCS), an Treoir maidir le Cosaint Sonraí i Réimse Fhorfheidhmiú an Dlí, agus rialacha eile um chosaint sonraí pearsanta

International dimension of data protection

International data protection agreements, EU-US privacy shield, transfer of passenger name record data.


Impact of the new data protection rules on EU citizens, business and public administrations.

Rialacha an Aontais maidir le cosaint sonraí

Faigh amach faoin gcaoi a mbeidh tionchar ag nuashonraithe ar rialacha maidir le cosaint sonraí ort go pearsanta, nó faoin gcaoi a mbeidh tionchar acu ar do ghnólacht.

EU funding supporting the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

EU Programmes financing projects on the implementation of the GDPR