
Social Room Policies

Resident hereby acknowledges that he/she intends to use the Stanford West Apartments Social Room (“Social Room”) to participate in certain activities, including parties, meetings, and games. This agreement is made on the electronic date endorsed, between Resident (Lessee) and The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, owner of the property, its officers, employees, and agents (Releasee).

Lessee acknowledges that a reservation of the Social Room gives him/her private use of the room from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm on the reserved day, and that Stanford West Apartments Management (SWA Management) personnel and representatives may need to access the kitchen area and restrooms periodically during this time.

Lessee acknowledges that the Social Room has an occupancy limit of 85 people, and agrees to restrict his or her attendee count to this limit. Lessee understands that the pool, fitness center and other common areas are not part of this Social Room reservation agreement. Furthermore:

  • Alcohol, if present, is not permitted outside of the Social Room.
  • Lessee shall be responsible for the behavior of Lessee’s Guests.

Lessee shall be responsible for all damages and missing items related to his/her use of the Social Room. Lessee shall ensure that the Social Room is fully cleaned and vacated no later than 10:00 p.m. on the reserved date. Should the room not be returned in a clean condition, a $50.00 per hour cleaning fee will be applied to the Lessee’s account.

Surrounding properties charge fees in excess of $100 per hour for private use of community space to address near term cancellations, potential liability, etc. Stanford West Apartments is pleased to presently offer use of the Social Room at no cost to the Lessee. If the Lessee needs to cancel the reservation, it is requested that such cancellation occur no less than 14 days prior to the calendared reservation. Such courtesy allows Residents at Stanford West Apartments to take advantage of this valuable amenity if the reservation is cancelled.

Lessee does hereby release with prejudice and forever discharge and forbear from any attempt to recover in any way from Releasee, of and from any and all manner of action, contracts, claims, damages, loss, of any nature whatever, known or unknown, which participants now has or may hereafter have against any of them, by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatever arising out of, based upon, or relating to the activities.

Lessee hereby expressly agrees to indemnify, save, protect, defend and hold harmless Releasee, from and against any and all claims, damages, suits, losses, payments and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, allegedly resulting from bodily injury, including death to any person and/or damage to any property on account of or relating to the activities. This indemnification obligation applies to any and all claims, damages, suits, losses, payments, and expenses occurring during the activities. Resident agrees that Releasee shall have choice of counsel to represent its interest in any claim, action, lawsuits, or other matter relating or arising from the provisions stated in this agreement, including the defense of any claim, action, lawsuit, or matter initiated by a third party against Releasee.

Lessee understands and agrees to each of the provisions set forth above.

Pet Policies

Only two pets are allowed per unit. There are no breed or weight restrictions.

An additional deposit of $1,000 is required, as well as $20 pet rent per pet.

Residents must ensure the conduct of their pets does not cause a nuisance or disturbance to others.

Pet owners are expected to clean up after their pets. Pets must be leashed at all times when outside the apartment and on Stanford West property.

Pets are not to be tied or staked outside the apartment. Residents may not leave pets unattended on balconies, porches, or patios.

Resident will be asked to remove any pet that bothers other residents, whether inside or outside, or that constitutes a problem or obstruction to the manager or owner's agent or employees performing their duties. If the resident fails to remove said pet following complaints from residents and requests from manager, the lease may be terminated.

Pool/Spa Policies

We recommend that residents do not use the pool/spa alone.

Who May Use the Pool/Spa

The pool/spa area are for residents and accompanied guests only and may be utilized by only two guests per Stanford West resident. Identification may be required.

Persons under age 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult resident age 18 or older. All children in diapers are required to wear swim diapers while in the pool.

Persons suffering from communicable diseases transmittable via water may not use the pool/spa. Health department regulations prohibit persons with inflamed eyes, nasal or ear discharge, open sores or bandages of any kind from using the pool/spa.

Animals are prohibited in the pool/spa area.

Individuals under the influence of alcohol are strictly prohibited from using the pool and spa.

While Using the Pool/Spa

All persons must shower before entering the pool/spa. All swimmers must wear swim suits. Street clothes are prohibited in the pool/spa.

Discharge of bodily wastes into the pool/spa is prohibited.

No diving, running or boisterous play.

No glass containers, alcohol, candy or chewing gum.

Persons using profane language, pushing, shoving, fighting or refusing to obey pool regulations will be asked to leave the pool/spa area.

Be courteous to lap swimmers by staying off the lap lines and out of occupied lanes.

About the Spa

Spa capacity is 8 people. Persons under the age of 14 and pregnant women should not use the spa.

Long exposure in hot water may result in nausea, dizziness or fainting.

Hot water immersion while under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, drugs or medications may lead to serious consequences and is not recommended.

Fitness Center Policies

Who May Use the Fitness Center

Persons under the age of 13 may not use exercise or cardio equipment. For ages 13–17, we recommend supervision by a responsible adult resident age 18 or older.

Guests must be accompanied by a resident while in the Fitness Center. Usage is limited to two guests per Stanford West resident. Any resident reserving the Social Room is responsible for controlling such use by their guests.

Use of the facility is at your own risk.

While Using the Fitness Center

Proper attire must be worn, including shirts and shoes.

Equipment is to be used the way in which it is intended. Please follow directions carefully and return equipment to the appropriate place when finished.

No food or glass is permitted in the Fitness Center.

Smoking and eating is prohibited in the Fitness Center.

No pets allowed.

Personal Training Policies

Please make sure to read the policies regarding your complimentary, personalized one-on-one training session with Stanford West's Certified Personal Trainer, Cameron Clark. Your session may be canceled otherwise.

What Sessions Include

Sessions are designed to supplement your existing exercise habits. For best results, 3–4 days a week of exercise are recommended, along with a balanced diet tailored to your goals.

Nutrition plans, comprehensive fitness plans and workout plans are not included in the program.

This is not a physical therapy service. If you have a debilitating condition/limitation, seek professional medical help before booking.

First time appointments: Resident will meet Cameron at the Fitness Center. The first appointment, which will last 40–50 minutes, includes filling out health & liability forms and answering some questions about goals, current habits, etc. Following that, an assessment workout will highlight your strengths, weaknesses, imbalances, etc.

When Booking

Whether for your first time or a repeat session, please include relevant injuries or limitations on the scheduling page to avoid a shorter workout and/or exacerbating any problems.

Residents may book two appointments per week, not on consecutive days. The second appointment may not be booked after your first of the week is completed. Any other type of booking will be canceled.

Children under age 13 (including infants) are not allowed in the Fitness Center, so please make sure that you have sufficient child care before scheduling a workout.


Any client who is 10 minutes late without notice is considered a no-show and forfeits their session. If you need to cancel, please use the online program. If your cancellation is less than 24 hours before the appointment, please call 650-776-0600 (from an unblocked number) and leave Cameron a message.

Excessive cancellations, no-shows or last-minute cancellations may result in usage restrictions and/or cancellation fees of $50/session.

Business Center Policies

Persons under age 18 are not permitted to use the internet without supervision by a responsible adult resident.

Please be considerate of the environment; conserve ink and paper.

Walking Trail Policies

Where to Go

Stay on the paths to avoid damage to plan restoration areas.

Please do not enter the creek. The bank is steep and paths down the bank create erosion, decrease water quality and impact the habitat of endangered species such as Steelhead Trout and Western Pond Turtles.

Do's & Don'ts

Please yield the path to maintenance vehicles.

Keep your dog on a leash and remove waste.

Please do not smoke or light fires.

Do not collect any insects, animals, rocks or artifacts. Do not plant any plants or seeds or remove any plant material. Do not dig into the ground for any purpose. Do not add rocks or soil, release animals, or deposit artifacts in the open space.

Do not camp or sleep overnight.

Please take your litter with you.

What to Report

Report any sightings of feral cats, dogs or foxes to the Leasing Office as these animals prey on native birds and animals.

Report to the Leasing Office any branches or other material that creates a foot level hazard and/or obstacle on the path.

Playground Policies

Adult supervision is required at all times. Parents or guardians are responsible for their children's safety.

For your safety and the safety of others, please abide by age restrictions posted on signage.

No bare feet; wear protective footwear.

Do not use play equipment improperly. Do not use play equipment when wet.

No jumping off play equipment. No climbing on outside of play equipment.

No running, pushing or shoving.

Car Wash Policies

Please be considerate of the environment; conserve water.

No loud music or boisterous activities.

Please move your car immediately after washing.

Car Wash hours of operation are 10am to 9pm, daily.

Valet Waste Collection Policies

See the current city guidelines for waste, recycling and compost here.


Trash collection is Sunday–Thursday and trash must be placed outside between 6–8pm; collection starts promptly at 8pm. Pickup service may be as late as midnight depending on where the Valets start.

Bring containers back inside by 9am the next day. Containers left out during the day may result in service interruption.

There is no Valet Waste service on the following holidays:

  • Fourth of July
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Eve & Day
  • New Year’s Eve & Day


Always bag your trash and tie the bags. Double-bag all pet waste. No loose trash, recycling or compost permitted.

No bags over 25 lbs. No oversized items such as furniture, large boxes, etc.

Cardboard must be flattened and bundled.

No broken glass or sharp objects.

Recycling and Compost

Place recyclables in transparent bags. These can be purchased online through Valet Waste or they can be purchased at Safeway, Target or at Stanford West’s Corner Store.

Place compost in green biodegradable bags. These can be purchased at Safeway, Target or at Stanford West’s Corner Store.

You can place the entire compost container outside for pickup or you can place the bag of compost in the black Valet Waste container.


Always use the black Valet Waste container provided to you.

Extra bags may be stacked on top of each other inside the container as long as the lid can close.

Placing bags directly on the pavements is prohibited and the bags will not be picked up by Valet Waste.

Parking Policies

SW Resident Parking Permits:

Permits and registration are to prevent the accidental removal of a vehicle belonging to a resident, and to preclude non-residents from parking within the community.

Parking on Clark Way, Durand Way, Mosher Way, Charles Marx Way and Swain Way falls under the jurisdiction of the City of Palo Alto. Parking on these streets remains on a “first come first serve” basis for our residents and their guests like it would be on any other streets in Palo Alto. However, parking on Stanford West “private parking lots” is permit only. The “SWA Parking Permit Only” marked spaces are reserved only to Stanford West parking permit holders.

Each apartment at Stanford West is allocated a single-car garage for vehicle parking. Residents leasing apartment homes with two and three-bedrooms may receive one permit in addition to their single-car garage to allow them to park their 2nd vehicle on the “SWA Parking Permit Only” marked spaces spread out across the property. Two and three-bedroom residents without a second registered vehicle will not be issued a permit. In the event you have more than 2 registered vehicles, street parking on Clark Way, Durand Way, Mosher Way, Charles Marx Way and Swain Way will be your only option.

Stanford West Apartments parking permits are static clean stickers which must be displayed inside the lower corner of the windshield on the passenger-side. Special stickers are available for motorcycles.

Stanford West parking permits are the sole property of Stanford West management. They may be used only by registered permit holders and may not be sold or transferred. Permit stickers will be returned by residents at move-out. Lost permits and permit abuses may result in punitive fines and possible lease termination.

Vehicle Registration:

Residents are required to register ALL their “vehicles” with the Leasing Office (A "vehicle" is any vehicle which is self-propelled, including an automobile, motorcycle, motor scooter, moped or golf cart. "Vehicle" does not include a self-propelled wheelchair, invalid tricycle, motorized quadricycle or golf cart when operated by or on behalf of a person with a physical disability.)

Unsightly vehicles (such as cars with flat tires, broken windows, etc.) and any vehicles without a current registration displayed will be towed (with adequate notice) at the owner’s expense.

RV’s and boats are not permitted on site at any time and will be subject to immediate towing day or night.

Skateboards, motorcycles, bicycles and similar vehicles may not be stored in entryways or under stairs. Skateboarding is not permitted anywhere on the property.

Where to Park:

All vehicles displaying a valid resident parking permit may park in any available “SWA Permit Parking Only” surface parking space. A parking permit does not guarantee the holder a specific parking space, merely the opportunity to park in “SWA Permit Parking Only” areas. Each private lot space is stenciled with the words “SWA Permit Parking Only”.

A Permitted vehicle can only park in the same “SWA Permit Parking Only” space for a maximum of 72 hours. Only garages can be used as long-term parking.

Driveway spaces may be located in front of garage doors within the community. Parking in that space is permitted as long as the vehicle does not obstruct any portion of the sidewalk. Cars blocking the sidewalks are subject to immediate towing day or night.

No vehicle may be operated or parked in any median strip, landscaped area, unpaved area or any other area not specifically designated for parking. Vehicles parked in the auto court or in a Red (Fire) zone are subject to immediate towing.

Electrical Charging Stations are only to be used by electrical cars while they are charging. Residents need to contact the office to setup their account should they want to use the charging stations. Non-electrical and non-charging electrical vehicle parked on these dedicated stalls are subject to immediate towing.

Guest Parking/Loaner Cars:

No guest parking permits will be issued by Stanford West Apartments. Residents’ guests, housekeepers, nannies and vendors are to park on the streets under the City of Palo Alto’s jurisdiction (Clark Way, Durand Way, Mosher Way, Marx Way, and Swain Way). Guest cars without permits parked in the “SWA Parking Permit Only” areas will be towed at their owner’s expense. Loaner cars are treated the same way as guest vehicles and must be parked either on the street under the City of Palo Alto’s jurisdiction (Clark, Durand, Mosher, Marx, and Swain), or in the resident’s garages.

Garages, Carports & Storage:

Based on availability, additional garages, storage, and carports are available for rent throughout the community. Garages, and carports are rented on a month-to-month basis. Rental rates are subject to change.

Garages and carports, either assigned or rented, are not meant for storage; rental agreements may be terminated if garages are improperly used. Stanford West has a limited number of on-site storage units available for rent. For information, please contact the Leasing Office.

Violations and Enforcement:

Stanford West Parking Guidelines are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The City of Palo Alto's Transportation Division patrols streets within the community and issues parking tickets to vehicles in violation of the parking code. Residents and visitors to Stanford West are responsible for all tickets issued to them.

Lack of parking spaces, mechanical problems, inclement weather or other inconveniences do not excuse parking policy violations. Vehicles of residents who fail to display their parking permits are subject to warning notices or to being towed.

Any vehicle parked in “SWA Permit Parking Only” areas without a resident parking permit is in violation of Stanford West's parking guidelines. Any vehicle that does not appear to be in good and/or running condition and is stored in a “SWA Permit Parking Only” parking space shall be considered abandoned, then towed and stored at the owner's own expense. Stanford West will not tow resident registered vehicle without making reasonable attempts to notify the owner of the vehicle. Once reasonable attempts have been made, your vehicle will be subject to towing and stored at the owner's own expense.

Do's & Don'ts:

Please limit your speed within the community to 10 mph and respect all Stop Signs throughout the property.

Do not repair your car on the property or empty ashtrays onto parking lots.

Residents may wash their cars on the property only in the area designated as such.

The City of Palo Alto's parking regulations, including regulations governing Red (Fire) and Blue (Handicap) zones, remain in effect for the entire property. Blocking any part of the sidewalk (even if the vehicle is parked in front of a garage) is a parking violation and subject to ticketing and towing.