School of Medicine

Showing 1-10 of 889 Results

  • Elias Aboujaoude, MD, MA

    Elias Aboujaoude, MD, MA

    Clinical Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Current Research and Scholarly Interests OCD, impulse control, problematic Internet use, telemedicine, telepsychiatry

  • Aysha Abraibesh

    Aysha Abraibesh

    Social Science Research Professional, Psych/Public Mental Health & Population Sciences

    Bio Aysha Abraibesh, MPA is a clinical research coordinator at the Center for Behavioral Health Services and Implementation Research (CBHSIR). The program, led by Dr. Mark McGovern, is located within the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Aysha supports several research studies related to the implementation and sustainment of Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT) for Opioid-Use Disorder (OUD) in California and nation-wide.

    Aysha earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology (2012) and Master’s in Public Administration (2013) both from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. She gained research experience working in a Social Psychology research lab while at Clark University and later held a research assistantship in the Department of Social and Community Psychology at Portland State University (Portland, Oregon). She went on to work at Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Health Research in Portland, Oregon supporting various studies related to behavioral and mental health issues before relocating to the Bay Area.

  • Daniel Arthur Abrams

    Daniel Arthur Abrams

    Instructor, Psych/Major Laboratories and Clinical & Translational Neurosciences Incubator

    Bio Speech is a critical communication signal for the development of social skills and language function. Autism spectrum disorders affect 1 in 88 school-age children and are characterized by deficits in social communication and language skills, and many of these individuals also experience speech perception difficulties. My primary research goals are to understand the brain bases of social communication and language impairments in children with ASD, and to describe neural changes associated with remediation of these behavioral deficits. The theoretical framework that motivates my work is that impaired perception and neural decoding of speech impact social skill and language development in many children with ASD. Moreover, I believe that a grasp of these relationships is central to understanding the etiology of these disorders and will provide insight into their remediation.

    I have initiated a program of research to further our understanding of auditory brain function serving key elements of speech perception in children with ASD. The first study produced by this program of research was recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and shows that children with ASD have weak brain connectivity between voice-selective regions of cortex and the distributed reward circuit and amygdala. Moreover, the strength of these speech-reward brain connections predicts social communication abilities in these children. These results provide novel support for the hypothesis that deficits in representing the reward value of social stimuli, including speech, impede children with ASD from actively engaging with these stimuli and consequently impair social skill development. My future research will leverage this finding by probing this aberrant brain circuit in detailed explorations of speech perception in children with ASD. An important component of my future research is to explore neural plasticity associated with training programs designed to ameliorate social communication deficits in children with ASD, with a focus on the speech-reward brain circuit identified in my recent publication. In addition to my interest in studying social communication and language impairments in children with ASD, my research program also includes investigating the relationship between speech perception impairments and phonological and reading difficulties in children with reading disorders (RD). This work is a continuation of my dissertation work, which examined neural decoding of temporal features in speech in children with RD.

  • Ehsan Adeli Mosabbeb

    Ehsan Adeli Mosabbeb

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Psychiatry

    Current Research and Scholarly Interests My research lies in the intersection of Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Medical Imaging.

  • Steven Adelsheim, MD

    Steven Adelsheim, MD

    Clinical Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Bio Steven Adelsheim, MD is a child/adolescent and adult psychiatrist who works to support community behavioral health partnerships locally, regionally, at the state level and nationally. He is the Director of the Stanford Center for Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Adelsheim has partnered in developing statewide mental health policy and systems, including those focused on school mental health, telebehavioral health, tribal behavioral health programs, and suicide prevention. For many years Dr. Adelsheim has been developing and implementing early detection/intervention programs for young people in school-based and primary care settings, including programs for depression, anxiety, prodromal symptoms of psychosis, and first episodes of psychosis. Dr. Adelsheim is also involved in the implementation of integrated behavioral health care models in primary care settings as well as the use of media to decrease stigma surrounding mental health issues. He is currently leading the US effort to implement the headspace model of mental health early intervention for young people ages 12-25 based in Australia. Dr. Adelsheim also leads the national clinical network for early psychosis programs called PEPPNET.