Резултати претраге
  1. Congratulations to Time Man of the Year and thanks to all who supported our historic President-Elect!

  2. 🎉Congratulations 🎉 Time's Person Of The Year ✨🇺🇸Donald J Trump✨🇺🇸

  3. Handcount Blue Counties: 85/15 LANDSLIDE! @StevePieczenick

  4. Congratulations to President-elect on being named as Person of the Year! You deserve it!

  5. say is "President of the Divided States" They look pretty UNITED to me Person of the Year

  6. Congratulations as 's 2016 truly wonderful for America

  7. Likely Appointments: Iowa Gov. Branstad as U.S. Ambassador to China & General John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

  8. Make America Safe Again Reminds me of who is a champion for Police and Law & Order in America.

  9. Asking people to speak English in this country is a violation of their rights?Thank god ! 🇺🇸

  10. Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis, Gen. John Kelly, & Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn will soon be serving President Trump. Feeling safer already.

  11. Join with fellow Americans to Support & Help Make America Great Again

  12. The person of the year: Donald J. Trump.

  13. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but today, damn near every terrorist is a Muslim Excuse Tour 🙄

  14. A Chitown Marxist street agitator global amassasabor of Islam is US president, but is unconventional..?

  15. CNN Sued For Racism By Black Employees; Will They Hide This? via


  17. Flag Burning is disrespectful to our Veterans🇺🇸

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