The New Yorkerसत्यापित खाता


The New Yorker is a weekly magazine with a mix of reporting on politics and culture, humor and cartoons, fiction and poetry, and reviews and criticism.

New York, NY
मई 2008 पर शामिल हुए

आपने @NewYorker को अवरुद्ध किया है

क्या आप वाकई इन ट्वीट को देखना चाहते हैं? ट्वीट देखने से @NewYorker का अवरोध नहीं हटेगा

  1. 2 मिनट पहले

    People are aging, and they are not getting what they think they have earned:

  2. 32 मिनट पहले

    What it was like being a left-wing pundit on “The O’Reilly Factor”:

  3. 1 घंटे पहले

    This is what happens when you keep illegal snakes in your closet but can't resist posting a picture on Facebook

  4. 2 घंटे पहले

    Back in Chicago, Barack Obama looks to the future:

  5. 2 घंटे पहले

    In 2015, Michael Flynn was paid about $40,000 by RT, a Russian TV channel, to attend its 10th anniversary gala:

  6. ने रीट्वीट किया
    3 घंटे पहले

    Read and listen to Jean Gallagher’s poem in full:

  7. 3 घंटे पहले

    Sunday’s result in France was reassuring for people who worry about the rise of extremism in Europe:

  8. 3 घंटे पहले

    In : Ivanka’s notes for the babysitter.

  9. 3 घंटे पहले

    A new Netflix documentary charts the life of Roger Stone and his Trump-Nixon connection:

  10. 4 घंटे पहले

    Today's daily cartoon by . Swipe through more cartoons with the New Yorker Today app:

  11. 4 घंटे पहले

    Photographs that juxtapose Craigslist ads next to the faces of the people who actually sat down and typed them out:

  12. ने रीट्वीट किया
    6 घंटे पहले

    How do you negotiate with ? "Give him an audience," says:

  13. 5 घंटे पहले

    How an Egyptian veterinarian saved the last two animals from the Mosul Zoo:

  14. 5 घंटे पहले

    Help us pick a winner by voting on the funniest and the not-as-funny submissions to our caption contest:

  15. 5 घंटे पहले

    A cartoon by Tom Chitty. Follow us on Instagram to see more:

  16. 6 घंटे पहले

    Back in Chicago, Barack Obama looks to the future:

  17. 6 घंटे पहले

    After 52 years of civil war, FARC guerrillas seek a return to society:

  18. 7 घंटे पहले

    Two prescient films about the memory of the Holocaust:

  19. 7 घंटे पहले

    Elizabeth Warren talks to David Remnick about the value of a good fight:

  20. 8 घंटे पहले

    At 40, Tucker Carlson was jobless. What followed was one of the most unlikely comebacks in the annals of cable news:

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