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Trad American Angel
Frmr elected official (I'm all better now, thanks)Conservatarian, Freedom Lover, Wisdom seeker, Mom, Christian, Artist.Politics,news inspirational! Tcot Tlot
Trad American Angel 2m
Dear , We’d like to bring activities to your att. This account is violating the code of conduct of Twitter community by publishing citizens’ pictures & aiding Iranian paramilitary forces with a potentially very harmful manhunt project.MT
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Trad American Angel 9m
Roughly 15,600 developers from more than 1,400 companies have contributed to kernel since 2005, when the adoption of Git made detailed tracking possible, according to 2017 Linux Kernel Dev Report released at the Linux Kernel Summit in Prague.
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Trad American Angel 12m
. "predicts that data science and computer science will be among their most popular subject areas next year."
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Trad American Angel 13m
2017 Highlights ’ Roles and Accelerating Pace of Change: via
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Trad American Angel retweeted
Marcus Yam 🔥 24h
2017 was an eventful year. But one memory stood out: when Darl Synder, a reader, sent me an American Flag in the mail. I was on assignment overseas when I got an email from my equipment manager asking me if I bought a television and had it sent to the office. ⬇️
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Trad American Angel 1h
Rocket Pharmaceuticals and Complete Merger Transaction. New ticker
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Trad American Angel 2h
"The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least."
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Trad American Angel 2h
"The US has given $34B in direct aid & military reimbursements to Pakistan since 2002." According to and .
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Trad American Angel 2h
City of Elgin Illinoios Tells Man To Stop Sheltering The Homeless from the Cold or They’ll Take His House
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Trad American Angel retweeted
Paramjit S Garewal 3h
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Trad American Angel 3h
Replying to @Phillip_H_Davis
Yes understand and thank you. Some tend to misunderstand here, not you or I just clarifying so we both don't have to later....Agree
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Trad American Angel 3h
Replying to @Phillip_H_Davis
You will find that in the thread.
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Trad American Angel 3h
Replying to @Phillip_H_Davis
They say though they appreciate his house doesn't meet codes etc for a homeless shelter which is understandable to a point but sad all the way away for a man that just wants to help those out in the cold.
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Trad American Angel 3h
Replying to @metternicht
continue to read the thread. TY Harry for stopping in. Stay warm and have a great weekend.
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Trad American Angel 3h
Replying to @RightWingAngel
As of today 24 hours to shut down“They shut me down and said I have 24 hours to return my basement to storage and take down – I have several cots with sleeping bags for everybody – or they’ll condemn the house,” said Schiller.
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Trad American Angel 3h
Replying to @RightWingAngel
credit for quotes and story Matt Agorist Activist P
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Trad American Angel 3h
Replying to @RightWingAngel
Once they found out that a good Samaritan would dare challenge their almighty dictate on “sleeping regulations,” the city sent in police with a warrant and told him to shut it down, or else.
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Trad American Angel 3h
Replying to @RightWingAngel
"and regulations that guard against potential dangers such as carbon monoxide poisoning, inadequate light and ventilation, and insufficient exits in the event of a fire,” city spokesperson Molly Center"
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Trad American Angel 3h
Replying to @RightWingAngel
“While we appreciate those who volunteer to provide additional resources in the community, Mr. Schiller’s house does not comply with codes..."
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Trad American Angel 3h
Replying to @RightWingAngel
"Everything was going great this year until the state stepped in, however. Schiller was essentially told that even though he owns his home, he does not get a say in who gets to sleep in it."
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