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Jun Uchida

Jun Uchida

Associate Professor of History
Director, Center for East Asian Studies
East Asia
Ph.D., Harvard University
M.A., UC Berkeley
B.A., Cornell University




My teaching and research focus on the following areas of interest:

  • Modern Japan
  • Colonial Korea
  • Japanese empire in Asia
  • Comparative Colonialism
  • History of immigration and diaspora
  • Transpacific History
  • Settler colonialism
  • Decolonization and politics of memory
  • Oral history

Selected Publications & Projects

Jun Uchida
My current book project examines the diasporic history of Ōmi shōnin (merchant). Often compared to overseas Chinese and Jewish merchants...
Jun Uchida
Between 1876 and 1945, thousands of Japanese civilians—merchants, traders, prostitutes, journalists, teachers, and adventurers—left their homeland...
Jun Uchida

Selected Journals & Book Chapters

Jun Uchida
This essay (pp.28-31) is part of a forum convened by the Pacific Empires Working Group, where historians of the Pacific and Japan come together to...
Jun Uchida
This article examines the diasporic thought of Sugiura Shigetake (1855–1924), an early and largely overlooked proponent of Japanese empire. Written...
Jun Uchida
“The Public Sphere in Colonial Life: Residents’ Movements in Korea under Japanese Rule.” Past & Present no. 220 (August 2013): 217-48...
Jun Uchida
“Between Collaboration and Conflict: State and Society in Wartime Korea,” in Masato Kimura and Tosh Minohara, eds., Tumultuous Decade: Empire,...
Jun Uchida
“A Sentimental Journey: Mapping the Interior Frontier of Japanese Settlers in Colonial Korea.” Journal of Asian Studies 70, no. 3 (August...
Jun Uchida
“ ‘A Scramble for Freight’: the Politics of Collaboration along and across the Railway Tracks of Colonial Korea,” Comparative Studies in Society...
Jun Uchida
"총력전 시기 재조선 일본인의 ‘내선일체’ 정책에 대한 협력," 아세아연구 통권, 131호 (2008.3): 14-52.
“Ch’ongnyŏkch’ŏn sigi e issŏsŏ ŭi chae Chosŏn Ilbonin ŭi ‘naesŏn ilch’e’ chŏngch’...
Jun Uchida
“Brokers of Empire: Japanese and Korean business elites in colonial Korea,” in Caroline Elkins and Susan Pedersen, eds., Settler Colonialism in...
Jun Uchida
「植民地朝鮮における同化政策と在朝日本人ー同民会を事例として」『朝鮮史研究会論文集』41 (2003.10).
“Shokuminchiki Chōsen ni okeru Dōkaseisaku to Zaichō Nihonjin—Dōminkai o jirei to shite [...
Jun Uchida
書評:高崎宗司著『植民地朝鮮の日本人』(東京: 岩波書店, 2002), in『韓国朝鮮の文化と社会』vol. 2 (2003.10).
Book Review: "Takasaki Sōji, Shokuminchi Chōsen no Nihonjin [...


More Information


  • Pransenjit Duara, “Ethnos and Ethnology in Manchukuo,” translated into “Manshūkoku ni okeru Minzoku to Minzokugaku,” in Iwanami Kōza: Ajia, Taiheiyō Sensō, vol. 7: Shihai to bōryoku (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2006).
  • Sandra Wilson, “Securing prosperity and serving the nation: Japanese farmers and Manchuria, 1931-33,” in Ann Waswo and Nishida Yoshiaki, eds. Farmers and Village Life in Twentieth-Century Japan (London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003), translated into Japanese for Nishida Yoshiaki and Ann Waswo, eds. Nijusseiki Nihon no nōmin to nōson (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2006)

Book Reviews

  • Todd A. Henry, Assimilating Seoul: Japanese Rule and the Politics of Public Space in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945 (University of California Press, 2014), The Journal of Asian Studies 74, no. 3 (August 2015): 763-65.
  • Takasaki Sōji, Shokuminchi Chōsen no Nihonjin [The Japanese in Colonial Korea] (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2002), Kankoku Chōsen Bunka Kenkyūkai, ed. Kankoku Chōsen no bunka to shakai [Korean Culture and Society], vol. 2 (October 2003).