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Now Accepting Letters of Intent for the Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Seed Grants Program, Round 9

Letters of Intent must be received by: Monday, March 19th, 2018 by 5:00 PM (PST)

Photo of IIP Seed Grants symposium poster session in progress.

A Stanford Bio-X IIP Seed Grants Symposium poster session in progress.

The Stanford Bio-X program has, as one of its major goals, the enhancement of interdisciplinary interactions between and among all scientific communities at Stanford. Stanford Bio-X brings together researchers – in computer science and technology, engineering, the basic sciences in H&S, the earth sciences, and the pre-clinical and clinical sciences in the School of Medicine, in areas related to biosciences, biomedicine, and bioengineering – to bring interdisciplinary solutions and to create new knowledge of biological systems, in benefit of human health. The Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Seed Grants Program (IIP) awards provide seed funding for high-risk, high-reward collaborative proposals including basic research leading to fundamental discoveries, as well as innovative technology, relating to human health.

We are announcing this request for letters of intent (LOI) for interdisciplinary initiatives Seed Grants to all eligible Stanford Faculty who are affiliated with Bio-X (see Eligibility below). The LOIs will be evaluated as to their interdisciplinary nature, quality, likelihood of being successful, whether they address the scientific and programmatic goals of Stanford Bio-X in its broadest sense, their potential for obtaining future support for sustainability, and whether the proposal is a new collaboration between the faculty. LOIs must involve Principal Investigators affiliated with Stanford Bio-X in at least two different disciplines. It will be important to document how the collaborative effort will be stronger than the sum of two independent projects and how the project is related to human health. Stanford Bio-X will consider proposals in the range of up to $100,000 a year for two years. Support could be for personnel (undergraduate, graduate, or post-doctoral students, research assistants, or associates), supplies, equipment, travel, or seminar and symposia needs. Faculty salaries on the grants are generally not allowed.


To be eligible to submit a Letter of Intent, all of the applicants must be Stanford Bio-X affiliated faculty members.

Stanford faculty who are eligible to become affiliates and to apply for a Seed Grant:

  • Regular tenured or tenure-line faculty (UTL/University Tenure Line)
  • MCL (Medical Center Line) faculty
  • NTLR (Non-Tenure Line/Research) faculty – eligible only if at least one other PI on the LOI has a UTL or MCL appointment

Clinician Educators (Clinical Educator line), Clinical Professors, and Instructors are not eligible to receive Stanford Bio-X Seed Grants. If you have one of these appointments, but will be transitioning into an eligible faculty appointment as indicated above, your appointment must be finalized before March 19, 2018. Please indicate this and include your appointment letter when you submit your LOI.

Please note that consulting faculty, postdocs, research assistants, etc. are not eligible to apply.

Letters of Intent require:

  1. A completed cover page (refer to cover page button below):
     Cover Page includes:
    • A check box regarding confidentiality of your title and abstract – please make sure to make a selection before proceeding
    • Project title
    • Principal Investigator’s information (PIs must be Stanford Bio-X affiliated faculty members – see above)
    • Co-PIs’ information (all co-PIs must have faculty status, and all must be Stanford Bio-X affiliated faculty members – see above)
    • A non-confidential lay abstract
  2. A one- to two-page description of the project goals, the individuals and disciplines involved, and its potential impact on biology and human health. Please include:
    • Potential for obtaining future support for sustainability
    • If the study is a new collaboration between the faculty
  3. Submission Deadline: Monday, March 19th, 2018 by 5:00 PM (PST)

Please note: We will refer to your Stanford Profile ( for your complete list of publications and C.V. Please make sure your administrators have updated your Stanford Profile.

The Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Seed Grants Program Committee will review the Letters of Intent. Those groups whose proposals are deemed appropriate will be contacted before the end of May 2018 and will be asked to write a full proposal (see below). We will accept up to two Letters of Intent from one primary PI (if both LOIs from one primary PI are selected for full proposals, only ONE proposal from a given primary PI could receive funding).

We ask that all letters of intent be sent electronically as a Word or PDF document to Cici Huber at and to Dr. Heideh Fattaey at, no later than March 19, 2018 by 5:00PM. You will be notified by the end of May if your LOI has been selected for a full proposal. Selected faculty teams will have until July 9th to write and submit a 5-page proposal and supplementary materials (see below). Funding to selected proposals is anticipated to be available on October 1, 2018.

If you have any questions about the appropriateness of your proposal, or if you need any additional information, please contact Dr. Heideh Fattaey at

Letters of Intent must be received by Monday, March 19th, 2018 by 5:00 PM (PST).

Announcement Full Details    Cover Page


For your reference:

Proposal Components:

The proposals will be evaluated as to:

  • their interdisciplinary nature
  • quality of the proposal
  • likelihood of being successful
  • whether they address the scientific and programmatic goals of Stanford Bio-X in its broadest sense
  • whether they involve Principal Investigators in at least two different disciplines
  • potential for obtaining future support for sustainability
  • if the proposal is a new collaboration between the faculty


The 5-page proposal will include:

  • Description of background leading to the proposal and the novelty of the proposal
  • Specific aims of the proposal
  • Outline of proposed methods
  • Previous investigations or pertinent work by investigators supporting the proposal
  • A description of the interdisciplinary and interactive nature of the proposal
  • How the collaborative effort will be stronger than the sum of two independent projects and how each collaborator would contribute to the project
  • Potential impacts and outcomes (including how outcomes might be measured)
  • Potential for future funding
  • Please make sure to let us know if this is a new collaboration or a continuation of work


Supplementary material for the proposal, not counted in the 5 pages:

  • Bio of investigators and their roles in the project
  • Each investigator's updated Stanford Profile (, to be referenced as their C.V. – please make sure that your Stanford Profile is updated
  • Non-confidential abstract paragraph written for an educated lay audience
  • Budget in detail for each year of the proposed project and a budget justification
    • Faculty salaries on the grants are generally not allowed
    • You do not need to account for indirects
  • Other pertinent support and potential leveraging



*Please note:
To submit an LOI, you must be a Bio-X affiliated faculty member. All Stanford faculty with a full faculty appointment as indicated above are eligible to become affiliated. Please contact and for details.