Who do I contact to trim or remove a city street tree?
The City of Campbell strongly supports the preservation of street trees. Trees beautify and enhance our neighborhoods, help to conserve energy, clean the air, and provide a home for wildlife. In 2005, Campbell was named a Tree City USA for the 23rd year in a row by the National Arbor Day Foundation for its commitment to trees.

The city will remove street trees only if they are dead or diseased beyond saving. Street tree removals requested by adjacent property owners for any other reason are allowed only in very limited circumstances. In most cases, these requests require the approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission and, if granted, require that the adjacent property owner arranges and pays for the removal and replacement of the tree with a large, 24-inch box tree.

To discuss street trees, please email us, or call the Maintenance Division at 408-866-2145 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3:30p.m., Monday through Friday, and ask to speak to the Park Maintenance supervisor.

Show All Answers

1. I have questions about the tree in front of my house. Who do I contact?
2. Who do I contact to trim or remove a city street tree?
3. Who do I contact to trim or remove a private tree?
4. There is a pothole in my street. Who do I contact to fix it?
5. Where do I report damaged or missing signs?
6. There is a significant ponding in the curb and gutter area. What can I do?
7. Who do I contact for an uplifted sidewalk or curb and gutter?
8. How do I get my name on the waiting list for the Community Garden?
9. Who do I report graffiti to?
10. When will my street get swept?
11. Who do I call for sewer related problems?
12. Who do I call about a rodent problem?
13. I will be doing some construction and digging. How can I avoid hitting the underground utility lines?
14. Who do I contact if a tree / bush is blocking visibility or access to my street or sidewalk?
15. What are the water feature hours at the various parks in Campbell?
16. Who do I contact for bees or wasps in the city’s right of way?
17. Who do I contact for dead or stray animals in the city’s right of way?
18. Who do I contact to report a stray shopping cart?