
The City’s budget serves as a policy document, a financial plan, a communications device and an operations guide, reflecting the policies, goals, programs, and service priorities of the City Council and the community.

The City budgets on an annual fiscal year basis which begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. The operating and capital budgets are adopted by the City Council in June via two separate actions (resolutions). The budget development process starts in December and includes a Council priority setting workshop, study sessions and public hearings. The budget document includes not only the operating budget for the City but also the City’s Five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that contains summary and detailed information on the City’s Capital projects and funding sources. Funding of the first year CIP projects are appropriated as part of the budget approval process.

In order to enhance the functionality for readers, beginning with the Fiscal 14 document, the electronic budget has been formatted to be word searchable.

Questions regarding the budget or the budget development process may be directed to the
City Manager’s office
or the Finance Department.

To view current fiscal year budget, click on image below:
     FY 17 Budget Cover
    All Archived Budgets