Stanford School of Medicine
Surgical Pathology Criteria
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Abdominal Desmoid Fibromatosis


  • Cytologically bland, at most moderately cellular, deep infiltrative fibroproliferative process involving abdominal wall

Alternate / Historical Names

  • Abdominal fibromatosis
  • Musculoaponeurotic fibromatosis
  • Aggressive fibromatosis

Diagnostic Criteria

  • Over age 5 years by definition (see Infantile Fibromatosis)
  • Involves fascia and muscle of abdominal wall by definition
    • Peripheral infiltration of skeletal muscle is seen in nearly all cases
      • Very important diagnostic feature
      • Muscle fibers at the periphery show degenerative changes
      • Muscle rare in center of lesion
    • Lesion centered below level of subcutis
      • Subcutis may be involved by large lesions
    • May surround nerves
  • Low to moderate cellularity
  • Bland spindle cells in fascicles or haphazardly arranged
    • Nuclei small, dark to slightly enlarged and vesicular
    • Cytoplasm scant
  • Stroma may be densely collagenous or myxoid
    • May be keloid like fibers
    • Rare metaplastic cartilage and bone
  • Mitotic figures infrequent
    • Rarely >5 per HPF
    • Never atypical
  • Inflammation not prominent
    • May be seen focally, usually peripherally
  • Gross circumscription may be deceptive
  • Nearly always over 3 cm
    • Usually 3-7 cm
  • Thin walled compressed “slit like” vessels frequent
  • Focal hemorrhage may be seen
    • Hemosiderin rare

    Richard L Kempson MD
    Robert V Rouse MD
    Department of Pathology
    Stanford University School of Medicine
    Stanford CA 94305-5342

    Original posting: October 15, 2007
    Last Update: March 16, 2008

Supplemental studies


Beta-catenin positive (40% in pediatric cases)
Actin positive
Desmin usually negative, occasionally focal
CD34 negative
S100 negative
Keratin negative
Estrogen receptor 0-10%
Progesterone receptor 0-25%
Cathepsin-D positive
Response to hormone therapy is not related to receptor status


Trisomies 8 and 20, common in extra-abdominal desmoids are rare in abdominal desmoids

Differential diagnosis

Fibromatosis, Abdominal Desmoid, Extra-abdominal Desmoid, Mesenteric, Retroperitoneal and Pelvic Scar
Uniform Multiple stages of organization
Hemosiderin rare Hemosiderin common
Rare under 3 cm Rare over 3 cm
Inflammation not prominent Inflammation may be prominent
Usually infiltrates muscle Infiltration of muscle uncommon


Fibromatosis, Abdominal Desmoid and Extra-abdominal Desmoid Nodular Fasciitis
Usually dense collagenous stroma Collagenous stroma focal or rare
Linear fascicles of cells Undulating bundles of cells
Infrequent mitotic figures Frequent mitotic figures
Usually >3 cm Usually <4 cm
Beta-catenin 80-90% Beta-catenin negative


Fibromatosis, Abdominal Desmoid and Extra-abdominal Desmoid Proliferative Myositis
Muscle fibers damaged or obliterated Muscle fibers not damaged
Muscle fibers at edge of lesion Muscle fibers throughout
No ganglion-like cells Ganglion-like cells present
Predominantly collagenous Predominantly myxoid
Usually >3 cm Usually <4 cm
Both involve muscle


Fibromatosis, Abdominal Desmoid and Extra-abdominal Desmoid Desmoplastic Fibroblastoma
Mild to moderate cellularity Paucicellular
Moderate vascularity Hypovascular
Extensive infiltration of muscle Only focal muscle infiltration
Spindle cells usually in fascicular pattern Spindle and stellate cells randomly aranged


Fibromatosis, Abdominal Desmoid and Extra-abdominal Desmoid Intramuscular Myxoma
Mild to moderate cellularity Markedly hypocellular
Areas with collagen No collagen
Prominent vessels Sparse vessels


Fibromatosis, Abdominal Desmoid and Extra-abdominal Desmoid Plexiform Fibrohistiocytic Tumor
Deep to subcutis, in muscle Superficial
Generally solid mass Plexiform architecture
Rare under 3 cm Rare over 3 cm
Giant cells and histiocytes rare Nodules of giant cells and histiocytes


Fibromatosis, Abdominal Desmoid, Extra-abdominal Desmoid, Mesenteric, Retroperitoneal and Pelvic Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor
Rare <12 years of age Age usually <14, rare >30
Inflammation not prominent Prominent inflammation, particularly plasma cells
Alk1 negative Alk1 frequently positive
Beta catenin 80-90% Beta catenin negative


Fibromatosis, Abdominal Desmoid and Extra-abdominal Desmoid Adult Fibrosarcoma
Mild to moderate cellularity Usually more cellular
Fine chromatin Usually clumped chromatin
Rarely >5 mitotic figures / hpf Usually >5 mitotic figures / hpf
Rarely necrotic Frequent necrosis
Distinction between grade I fibrosarcoma and fibromatosis may not always be clear


Fibromatosis, Abdominal Desmoid, Extra-abdominal Desmoid, Mesenteric, Retroperitoneal and Pelvic Myxofibrosarcoma
No pleomorphism Cytologic pleomorphism present
Usually dense stroma but focally may be myxoid No dense stroma
Vessels lack arching pattern Arching vessels


Fibromatosis, Abdominal Desmoid and Extra-abdominal Desmoid Desmoplastic Melanoma
Based below subcutis, involves muscle Usually based in dermis
S100 negative S100 positive


Fibromatosis, Abdominal Desmoid and Extra-abdominal Desmoid Calcifying Fibrous Pseudotumor
Nearly always has cellular areas Uniformly paucicellular
Infiltrative pattern prominent Microscopically infiltrative at most
No calcification Calcification present
Inflammation uncommon Chronic inflammation present


  • Over age 5 years by definition (see Infantile Fibromatosis)
    • Nearly always over 12 years
  • Almost all occur in women 20-30 years old
    • Most frequently occurs during or soon after pregnancy
  • Involves fascia and muscle of abdominal wall by definition
    • May extend into abdomen or pelvis
  • Only rarely associated with familial adenomatous polyposis / Gardner syndrome
  • Frequent recurrence
    • 20-30% overall
    • Recurrences may be locally aggressive and destructive
  • Deep fibromatoses differ primarily in their clinical association
      Abdominal Extra-abdominal Mesenteric Pelvic / Retroperitoneal Infantile
    Pregnancy + - - - -
    Familial polyposis rare - 10-15% - -




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