Make a Gift

We are honored that you are interested in supporting Stanford through the Department of Surgery. The scenarios below represent a range of commitments available, depending on the overall goals of your proposed support. Please contact Stephanie Edelman at or 650-723-6852 for more details.

Endowed Gifts

Endowed funds are invested by the University to generate annual income in perpetuity for the purpose specified by the donors.  Only a portion of the annual return generated by each endowed fund is spent, so that the principal continues to grow.  Below is a list of endowment options:

Other Gifts

Specifying How You Would Like Your Gift Used

You may designate your gift to support a specific division, program, or research area, or you may allocate your gift to the general fund, which allows the department to determine how the gift can best be used to support top priorities.

Online Giving

You may also choose to donate online. You may do so using the link at the top of the page. When donating online through this website, please be sure to designate your gift through the Stanford Medical Center to the School of Medicine, Department of Surgery.