Stanford E-mail Account: SUNet ID
- Your Stanford e-mail is only for hospital related business and patient care. You may not forward your Stanford e-mail to any personal account, ie. gmail, hotmail, etc.
- ALL SUNet ID / e-mail accounts will be sponsored and activated by June.
The Department of Graduate Medical Education requires that you obtain a Stanford SUNet ID / e-mail address before attending the GME Orientation.
If you currently have or previously had an e-mail address in the form of, then you already have a Stanford SUNet ID/e-mail address.
Please enter your SUNet ID on the 2017-2018 Stanford Application. Do NOT email the GME office. The Stanford Application is the first item on the Checklist you received in the e-mail from "MedHub Notification."If you do not have a Stanford SUNet ID/e-mail address, or if you cannot remember your Stanford SUNet ID, then leave that field blank on the Stanford Application.
If you are new to Stanford, the GME office, will e-mail you in May the SUNet ID account link for you to establish your SUNet ID/e-mail address.
Once you select your Stanford SUNet ID, please e-mail your SUNet ID to the GME office ( for sponsorship.
The SUNet ID you choose will be your permanent, visible identifier at Stanford that cannot be changed.If you had a SUNet ID/e-mail address and cannot remember it, the GME office will e-mail you in May your previously sponsored SUNet ID account information.