Research update

New potential therapeutic target in Down Syndrome

A new study from Stanford Down Syndrome Research Center affiliated faculty Dr. Ahmad Salehi describes a novel therapeutic strategy for intellectual disability in Down syndrome. Dr. Salehi and colleagues improved learning and memory in a mouse model of Down syndrome with injections of a long-acting ß2 adrenergic receptor agonist.

Although the doses used in the study cannot be safely used in people, decades of pharmaceutical research on ß2 adrenergic drugs offers hope that new compounds will be developed for individuals with Down syndrome.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help people with Down syndrome lead healthier and happier lives by rapidly and effectively applying research discoveries to useful treatments.

Craig Heller, PhD

Message from the Director

Rarely in basic or clinical research do we have the thrill of seeing results translated into therapies that transform lives. Such an opportunity now exists within the Stanford Institute of Neuro-innovation and Translational Neurosciences where critical discoveries in the laboratory are being translated into viable treatment strategies for patients and their families.